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Hanie Edalati, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow

Centre de recherche, CHU Ste-Justine,

Département de psychiatrie et d’addictologie, Université de Montréal

Center for Research on Children and Families, School of Social Work, McGill University


A number of theories of pathological behaviours have proposed models to explain vulnerability in which the interplay between biological predispositions and early adverse experiences, such as childhood victimisation, is critical in the emergence of problematic outcomes (e.g., substance use, violent behaviours) and distinct subtypes of psychopathologies. Yet, most intervention programs target the psychopathological outcomes without considering the important role of adverse early experiences in the emergence and development of problematic outcomes. The present study (i.e., the Well-Venture Study) aims to reduce this gap by adapting and integrating a trauma-informed approach into an evidence-based personality-targeted intervention program for needs of victimised youth receiving care from Youth Protection Services. Youth were recruited from Batshaw Youth and Family Centres (N = 62, 52% females, Mean age= 16.07), and invited to receive brief group-based intervention sessions, which target their dominant personality profile: Impulsivity, Hopelessness, Anxiety Sensitivity, or Sensation Seeking. Youth are assessed before and after receiving the interventions (3-month and 6-month intervals) to examine the effects of these interventions on improving their substance use and mental health outcomes. I will present the steps for adapting these interventions for victimised youth and preliminary results on the feasibility and proof-of-concept of implementing these interventions to improve youth outcomes.



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Courriel : lenickson.desert.pinel@ssss.gouv.qc.ca

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5.25 $ payable à l’horodateur situé près de la guérite (comptant ou crédit)


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Voir plus

Colloque Détresse, santé mentale et violence chez les jeunes

Colloque – Détresse, santé mentale et violence chez les jeunes


Ce colloque permettra aux participant(e)s d’approfondir et de mettre à jour leurs connaissances afin de mieux intervenir auprès des jeunes et de réduire les risques de comportements violents liés à la détresse et aux problèmes de santé mentale.

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