Publications scientifiques
Chercheurs réguliers
Publications 2025
Johansson, J. A., & Holmes, D. (2025). On skin, monsters and boundaries : What the silence of the lambs can teach nurses about abjection. Nursing Inquiry, 32(1), e12682.
Publications 2024
Allard, V., Higgs, T., & Slight, M. (2024). Psychometric properties of the Spousal Assault Risk Assessment from samples of people having perpetrated intimate partner violence. Trauma, Violence & Abuse, 25(5), 3777 3795.
Allard-Gaudreau, N., Plante-Hebert, J., & Fortin, F. (2024). La linguistique légale : Un apport novateur aux sciences forensiques traditionnelles. Criminologie, Forensique et Sécurité, 2(2), Article 2.
Beaudoin, M., Dellazizzo, L., Giguère, S., Guay, J.-P., Giguère, C.-E., Potvin, S., & Dumais, A. (2024). Is there a dose-response relationship between cannabis use and violence? A longitudinal study in individuals with severe mental disorders. Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, 9(1), 241-251.
Bélair, G., Fortin, F., Chopin, J., & Chartrand, É. (2024). The dynamics of Internet sexual solicitation : Examining the criminal careers of online groomers. Deviant Behavior, 1 14.
Bernardi, N., Delteil, C., Kania, É., Giravalli, P., Tuchtan, L., Guay, J.-P., Piercecchi, M.-D., Bartoli, C., & Guivarch, J. (2024). Psychiatric disorders and management of sexual offenders in the prison psychiatric consultation unit of Marseille. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 69(2), 574-583.
Buisson, C., Poitras, K., & Joyal, C. C. (2024). Risk of child sexual abuse : A mixed-methods analysis of judicial decisions in the Youth Court of Québec. Children and Youth Services Review, 160, 107572.
Cailleau, V., Afonso, L., Cherprenet, C., Delbreil, A., Davignon, G., Paquette, S., & Jaafari, N. (2024). Is intimate partner sexual violence a singular violence? L’Encephale, S0013-7006(24)00070-8.
Chopin, J., Fortin, F., Paquette, S., Guay, J.-P., Péloquin, O., & Chartrand, E. (2024). Earlier or later? A survival analysis of criminal career and contextual factors associated with intimate partner homicide. The British Journal of Criminology.
Conrow-Graham, M. E., Williams, J. B., & Holmes, D. (2024). 4.46 Review : Rates of neurodevelopmental disorders and access to services for indigenous peoples of the United States and Canada. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 63(10, Supplement), S245.
Da Silva, C., Trottier, D., Amadio, N., Domingo, B., Sarg, R., & Benbouriche, M. (2024). Significance quest : A meta-analysis on the association between the variables of the 3n model and violent extremism. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 25(2), 1184-1200.
Dubois, T., Bernard, L., Holmes, D., Delmas, P., & Lecocq, D. (2024). La reconnaissance des sciences infirmières comme discipline académique en Europe francophone. Soins, 69(886), 27-30.
Eke, A. W., Babchishin, K. M., Paquette, S., Scott, S., Batinic, M., Fortin, F., & Seto, M. C. (2024). Comparing the Static-99R and the Child Pornography Offender Risk Tool (CPORT) in two Canadian samples adjudicated of child sexual exploitation material offenses. Journal of Criminal Justice, 95(102303).
Fortin, F., Spearson Goulet, J.-A., Goyette, M., & Lemieux, A. J. (2024). Unlocking a taboo topic : The sexuality of institutionalized men within a forensic psychiatric facility. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 1-15.
Gabriel, S. A., & Renaud, P. (2024). Self-report psychopathy-III facet scores predict sexual crimes, sexual preferences, and sexual deviance index validity more precisely than total scores. Frontiers in Psychology, 15.
Garant, E., & Proulx, J. (2024). What do you fantasize about? An exploratory factor analysis of minor attracted person’s sexual fantasies. Child Abuse & Neglect, 107018.
Gauthier, A., Lapierre, A., Higgs, T., Sorochinski, M., & Bouchard, J.-P. (2024). Les cyberviolences sexuelles dans les relations intimes : Enquête sur un phénomène en expansion. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique, 182(6), 579-585.
Gauthier, A., Deli, C., Garant, E., & Proulx, J. (2024). Inadequate coping strategies of men who have committed sexual aggression against women : A study of their developmental antecedents. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 36(7), 799 820.
Gauthier-Duchesne, A., Fernet, M., Hébert, M., Guyon, R., Tardif, M., & Godbout, N. (2024). The externalization of suffering among male survivors of child sexual abuse : “A deeply buried rage that must come out”. Psychology of Men & Masculinities, 25(2), 142-151.
Goody, J., Petersen, K., Brink, J., Crocker, A. G., & Nicholls, T. (2024). Antipsychotic prescribing practices and their association with rehospitalization in a forensic psychiatric sample. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 15.
Guyon, R., Fernet, M., Couture, S., Tardif, M., Cousineau, M.-M., & Godbout, N. (2024). « Finding my worth as a sexual being » : A qualitative gender analysis of sexual self-concept and coping in survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 53(1), 341-357.
Hodgins, S. (2024). What do we know now about evidence-based treatment for psychosis and aggressive behaviour or criminality that we did not know when community care was implemented? Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 78(8), 649 658.
Hodgins, S., Sivertsson, F., Beckley, A., Luigi, M., & Carlsson, C. (2024). The burden for clinical services of persons with an intellectual disability or mental disorder convicted of criminal offences : A birth cohort study of 14,605 persons followed to age 64. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 1-10.
Holmes, D., Turcotte, P.-L., Adam, S., Johansson, J., & Orser, L. (2024). Toward an ontology of the mutant in the health sciences : Re/defining the person from Cronenberg’s perspective. Nursing Inquiry, 31(1), e12599.
Jenkins, D., Burton, C., & Holmes, D. (2024). « We come from different worlds » : The collision of caring and carceral institutions. ANS. Advances in Nursing Science.
Johansson, J. A., & Holmes, D. (2024). Making sense of schizoposting : A schizoanalysis of alt-right internet platforms. Journal of Forensic Nursing, 20(2), 80-86.
Kadi, R., Gayed, F., Kauzman, P., Amam Ali, Z., Dmitriev, I., Mikhael, V., Ghabi, R., Hamamji, J., Jabbour, S., Mrchak, M., Guirguis, N., Metras, M.-E., Becciolini, L., Vassel, F.-M., Gutzeit, A., Cresson, J., Froehlich, J. M., Higgs, T., Dufour, M.-M., & Matoori, S. (2024). Autism spectrum disorder : Practice guidelines for pharmacists. Canadian Pharmacists Journal: CPJ = Revue Des Pharmaciens Du Canada: RPC, 157(2), 58-65.
Khalil, L., & Da Silva Guerreiro, J. (2024). Self-harm and aggression in women who committed a criminal offence : A scoping review. The Journal of Forensic Practice.
Lafortune, D., Dubé, S., Lapointe, V., Bonneau, J., Champoux, C., & Sigouin, N. (2024). Virtual reality could help assess sexual aversion disorder. The Journal of Sex Research, 61(4), 588-602.
Lafortune, D., Dussault, É., Vaillancourt-Morel, M.-P., Lapointe, V. A., Blais, M., & Godbout, N. (2024). Is sexual aversion a distinct disorder or a trans-diagnostic symptom across sexual dysfunctions ? A latent class analysis. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 50(1), 105-120.
Lakrouf, R., Roy, L., Arbaud, C., & Stich, C. (2024). Interventions for pregnant youth and young mothers experiencing homelessness : A systematic review. Children and Youth Services Review, 161, 107678.
Leclair, M. C., Crocker, A. G., Lemieux, A. J., Roy, L., Nicholls, T. L., Cao, Z., & Latimer, E. A. (2024). Lifetime criminal justice involvement is not a barrier to Housing First effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness, 1-7.
Leclair, M., Luigi, M., Deveaux, F., Imbeault, A., Beauchamp, C., Gray, A. L., Dufour, M., Nicholls, T. L., Seto, M., & Crocker, A. G. (2024). Not criminally responsible on account of a mental disorder for a homicide : Examining gender differences to identify opportunities for early prevention. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 23(4), 431 439.
Lévesque, M. C., Kutcher, A., Roy, L., Linton, P., Trapper, L., Torrie, J. E., & Macdonald, M. E. (2024). Eeyou/Eenou community voices on ‘doing’ Miyupimaatisiiun (wellness) planning : An occupational transactional perspective. Journal of Occupational Science, 31(2), 216 233.
Luigi, M., Leclair, M. C., Raiche, A.-P., Lemieux, A. J., Roy, L., Nicholls, T. L., & Crocker, A. G. (2024). Patterns of police interactions with people experiencing homelessness and mental illness. The Police Journal, 0032258X241301902.
Luigi, M., Martinez, L.-A., Roy, L., & Crocker, A. G. (2024). Experiences of forensic mental health patients and professionals with shared violence risk assessment and management : A scoping review of qualitative studies. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 79, 102009.
Lussier, P., Chouinard Thivierge, S., Fréchette, J., & Proulx, J. (2024). Sex offender recidivism : Some lessons learned from over 70 years of research. Criminal Justice Review, 49(4), 413 452.
Miller, G. E., & Holmes, D. (2024). Self-deception in clinical nursing practice : A concept analysis. Clinical Nursing Research, 33(1), 114-122.
Nolin, M.-C., Daspe, M.-È., Bőthe, B., Brassard, A., Joyal, C., & Vaillancourt-Morel, M.-P. (2024). Associations between contents of pornography and sexual satisfaction and function among young adults. Journal of Sex Research, 1-14.
Paradis-Gagné, E., Cader, M., Holmes, D., Bernheim, E., & Filion, J. (2024). Exploring social interactions in the context of justice system involvement : Perspectives of patients and psychiatric nurses. Clinical Nursing Research, 33(7), 571 580.
Paradis-Gagné, E., Cader, M., Holmes, D., Bernheim, E., & Filion, J. (2024). Exploring social interactions in the context of justice system involvement : Perspectives of patients and psychiatric nurses. Clinical Nursing Research, 10547738241253882.
Paradis-Gagné, É., & Domingue, J.-L. (2024). Les apports méthodologiques et théoriques de l’analyse critique du discours pour la recherche en sciences infirmières. Recherche en soins infirmiers, 156(1), 58-66.
Paradis-Gagné, E., Jacques, M.-C., Pariseau-Legault, P., & Potocava, S. (2024). Les pratiques de soins auprès des personnes en situation d’itinérance : Regards croisés entre le vécu expérientiel des personnes concernées et celui des infirmières de rue. Aporia, 14(2), 40 51.
Pariseau-Legault, P., & Paradis-Gagné, E. (2024). Axel Honneth Réification et lutte pour la reconnaissance en psychiatrie. In P. Krol & D. Holmes (Éds.), Philosophies et sciences infirmières : Contributions essentielles à la discipline (p. 197-226). Presses de l’Université Laval.
Péloquin, O., Chopin, J., Fortin, F., Guay, J.-P., Chartrand, E., & Paquette, S. (2024). One size doesn’t fit all : A typological approach to understanding criminal career heterogeneity in intimate partner homicide. Criminal Justice and Behavior.
Roy, L., Leclair, M., Crocker, A. G., Abdel-Baki, A., de Benedictis, L., Bérubé, F.-A., Thibeault, E., Latimer, E., & Roy, M.-A. (2024). Risk factors for homelessness and housing instability in the first episode of mental illness : Initial findings from the AMONT study. Early Intervention in Psychiatry.
Strus, J. A., Holmes, D., & O’Byrne, P. (2024). Borderlands : A place of transformation for nursing—where Nepantleras thrive. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice.
Trottier, D., Vanderstukken, O., Pham, T. H., & Benbouriche, M. (2024). Validating the French RAPE scale in incarcerated sex offenders and men and women from the community. Victims & Offenders.
Turcotte, P.-L., Holmes, D., Johansson, J., Saïd-Gagné, S., & Perron, A. (2024). Subversive mythical figures and feminist resistance : On the rise of posthuman « professionals ». Nursing Inquiry, 31(4), e12662.
Turcotte, P.-L., & Holmes, D. (2024a). The shadow side of occupational therapy : Necropower, state racism and colonialism. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 31(1), 2264330.
Turcotte, P.-L., & Holmes, D. (2024b). Vanishing academics : On the importance of speed and becoming-imperceptible. Nursing Inquiry, 31(2), e12619.
van Horn, J. E., Wallinius, M., Bouman, Y. H. A., Renaud, P., & van Dongen, J. D. M. (2024). Editorial : New directions in forensic psychology: Applying neuropsychology, biomarkers and technology in assessment & intervention. Frontiers in Psychology, 15.
Publications 2023
Allard, V., Slight, M., & Higgs, T. (2023). Risk factors for domestic violence. In T. K. Shackelford (Éd.), Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence (p. 1-19). Springer International Publishing.
Beaudoin, M., Dellazizzo, L., Giguere, S., Guay, J.-P., Giguere, C.-E., Potvin, S., & Dumais, A. (2023). Is there a dose-response relationship between cannabis use and violence? A longitudinal study in individuals with severe mental disorders. European Psychiatry, 66(S1), S135‑S136.
Bélanger, L., & Higgs, T. (2023). Factors related to motivation to change and therapeutic alliance among men early in treatment following perpetration of child sexual abuse. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 1‑14.
Benbouriche, M., Guay, J.-P., & Testé, B. (2023). « Percept-Int » : Développement et validation d’un ensemble de stimuli vidéo pour étudier la perception des intentions sexuelles. [« Perception-Int »: Development and validation of a set of stimuli video to study the perception of sexual intentions.]. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science / Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement.
Bergeron, A., Fortin, F., Charette, Y., Deslauriers-Varin, N., & Paquette, S. (2023). It’s all about time : The influence of behaviour and timelines on suspect disclosure during investigative interviews. Policing and Society, 33(7), 820‑840.
Bertsch, I., Guay, J.-P., Réveillère, C., Telle, E., Douceron, H., Dubuisson, M., Courtois, R., & Pham, T. (2023). An investigation of reliability and validity of the LS/CMI with French offenders. L’Encéphale, 49(5), 460-465.
Bodryzlova, Y., Lemieux, A. J., & Crocker, A. G. (2023). The first wave of COVID-19 in forensic psychiatry : A rapid review series. Victims & Offenders, 18(5), 799‑817.
Bonneville, V., & Trottier, D. (2022). Gender differences in sexual coercion perpetration : Investigating the role of alcohol-use and cognitive risk factors. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(15‑16), NP13791‑NP13812.
Chopin, J., Fortin, F., Guay, J.-P., Péloquin, O., Paquette, S., & Chartrand, E. (2023). ‘Till death do us part’ : An integrated multi-theoretical approach to identify predictors of intimate partner homicide. Journal of Criminal Justice, 88, 102101.
Chopin, J., Fortin, F., Paquette, S., Guay, J.-P., Péloquin, O., & Chartrand, E. (2023). Violent partners or a specific class of offenders? A criminal career approach to understanding men involved in intimate partner sexual violence. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 10790632231224356.
Frechette, J., Charette, Y., Nicholls, T. L., Seto, M. C., & Crocker, A. G. (2023). Comprehensiveness and context of psychiatric reports submitted to Review Boards in cases of people found not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 65(4), 51-81.
Garant, E., Gauthier, A., Deli, C., & Proulx, J. (2023). Developmental factors associated with inappropriate coping strategies among sexual aggressors of children. Child Abuse & Neglect, 146, 106499.
Gauthier, A., Deli, C., Garant, E., & Proulx, J. (2023). Inadequate coping strategies of men who have committed sexual aggression against women : A study of their developmental antecedents. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 10790632231210534.
Gauthier, A., Ménard, I., Higgs, T., James, J., & Bouchard, J.-P. (2023). La délinquance sexuelle féminine : État des connaissances. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique, 181(7), 656‑664.
Giguère, G., Higgs, T., & Charette, Y. (2023). Gender effects in actuarial risk assessment : An item response theory psychometric study of the LS/CMI. Women & Criminal Justice, 1‑18.
Girard, S., & Higgs, T. (2023). Underreporting of men’s violence against female intimate partners. In T. K. Shackelford (Éd.), Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence (p. 1-14). Springer International Publishing.
Goulet, M.-H., Lessard-Deschênes, C., Pariseau-Legault, P., Breton, R., & Crocker, A. G. (2023). Community treatment orders : A qualitative study of stakeholder perspectives. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 89, 101901.
Guyon, R., Fernet, M., Girard, M., Cousineau, M.-M., Tardif, M., & Godbout, N. (2023). Who am i as a sexual being? The role of sexual self-concept between dispositional mindfulness and sexual satisfaction among child sexual abuse survivors. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38(7‑8), 5591‑5612.
Higgs, T., Darjee, R., Davis, M. R., & Carter, A. J. (2023). Grievance-fueled sexual violence. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1070484.
Higgs, T., & Lapierre, A. (2023). Sexual coercion : Sexual offending comparison. In T. K. Shackelford (Éd.), Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence (p. 1-7). Springer International Publishing.
Hodgins, S., Eronen, M., Freese, R., Hart, S., Mueller-Isberner, R., Ross, D., Webster, C., & Tiihonen, J. (2023). Correspondence regarding De Girolamo et al., 2021 « A multinational case-control study comparing forensic and non-forensic patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders : The EU-VIORMED project ». Psychological Medicine, 53(8), 3764‑3765.
Holmes, D., Numer, M., Hammond, C., Joy, P., Sinno, J., Patten, S., & Leblanc, M. A. (2023). Wired sex assemblages among men who have sex with men : Sexualized drug use, hookup apps, and HIV service provision. Journal of Homosexuality, 70(4), 754‑778.
James, J., Gauthier, A., Garant, É., Ménard, I., Higgs, T., & Bouchard, J.-P. (2023). Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur le sadisme sexuel (sans jamais oser le demander). Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique, 181(10), 936-946.
Jenkins, D., Burton, C., & Holmes, D. (2023). « So there. I won. » : The struggle for power between caring and carceral institutions. Journal of Forensic Nursing, 19(3), 170‑178.
Johansson, J. A., & Holmes, D. (2023a). Poststructuralism and the construction of subjectivities in forensic mental health : Opportunities for resistance. Nursing Philosophy: An International Journal for Healthcare Professionals, e12440.
Johansson, J. A., & Holmes, D. (2023b). « Recovery » in mental health services, now and then : A poststructuralist examination of the despotic State machine’s effects. Nursing Inquiry, e12558.
Johansson, J. A., Holmes, D., & Paradis-Gagné, E. (2023). Canada’s aging federal prison population : Health disparity, risk, and compassionate release for persons convicted of sexual offenses. Journal of Forensic Nursing, 19(2), 115‑121.
Knack, N., Holmes, D., Hammond, C., Hammond, B., Trunzo, M., Murphy, L., & Fedoroff, J. P. (2023). Where do they stand? A post-structuralist examination of offense-supportive narratives constructed by men convicted of child sexual abuse. International Journal of Impotence Research.
Latrille, H., Cortoni, F., Stefanov, G., & Proulx, J. (2023). Therapeutic change in adolescents sexual offenders. European Review of Applied Psychology, 73(3), 100810.
Lussier, P., Chouinard Thivierge, S., Fréchette, J., & Proulx, J. (2023). Sex offender recidivism : Some lessons learned from over 70 years of research. Criminal Justice Review, 07340168231157385.
Michaud, P., & Proulx, J. (2023). Deconstructing journey-to-crime’s questionable validity in theft-related crimes. Journal of Criminal Justice, 86, 102052.
Miele, C., Maquigneau, A., Joyal, C. C., Bertsch, I., Gangi, O., Gonthier, H., Rawlinson, C., Vigourt-Oudart, S., Symphorien, E., Heasman, A., Letourneau, E., Moncany, A.-H., & Lacambre, M. (2023). International guidelines for the prevention of sexual violence : A systematic review and perspective of WHO, UN Women, UNESCO, and UNICEF’s publications. Child Abuse & Neglect, 146, 106497.
Mikhael, V., Ghabi, R., Belahmer, A., Kadi, R., Guirguis, N., Gutzeit, A., Froehlich, J. M., Ferreira, E., Higgs, T., Dufour, M.-M., Theoret, V., Hebert, M., Turgeon, J., Balcom, M. C., Khurana, B., & Matoori, S. (2023). Intimate partner violence : Defining the pharmacist’s role. Canadian Pharmacists Journal: CPJ = Revue Des Pharmaciens Du Canada: RPC, 156(2), 63‑70.
Nicholls, T. L., Charette, Y., Seto, M. C., Caulet, M., Muir, N. M., & Crocker, A. G. (2023). How do persons found NCRMD and identified as indigenous differ from other persons found NCRMD : Profiles, trajectories, and outcomes. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 1‑14.
O’Campo, P., Nisenbaum, R., Crocker, A. G., Nicholls, T., Eiboff, F., & Adair, C. E. (2023). Women experiencing homelessness and mental illness in a Housing First multi-site trial : Looking beyond housing to social outcomes and well-being. PLOS ONE, 18(2), e0277074.
Orser, L., & Holmes, D. (2023). The dimensions of desire among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (gbMSM) : An evolutionary concept analysis. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice, 37(1), 40‑58.
Orser, L., O’Byrne, P., & Holmes, D. (2023). Patient perspectives on the role of nurses in HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis care (PrEP-RN). PloS One, 18(7), e0288283.
Paquette, S., & Fortin, F. (2023). A peek into their mind? An exploration of links between offense-supportive statements and behaviors among men who sexually exploit children and adolescents online. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 67(6‑7), 591‑617.
Paradis-Gagné, E. (2023). Qualitative study of forensic psychiatric nurses’ experiences of delayed decisions on involuntary treatment. Evidence-Based Nursing.
Paradis-Gagné, E., Jacques, M.-C., Pariseau-Legault, P., Ben Ahmed, H. E., & Stroe, I. R. (2023). The perspectives of homeless people using the services of a mobile health clinic in relation to their health needs : A qualitative study on community-based outreach nursing. Journal of Research in Nursing: JRN, 28(2), 154‑167.
Paradis-Gagné, E., Holmes, D., Bernheim, E., & Cader, M. (2023). The judiciarization of people living with mental illness : A grounded theory on the perceptions of persons involuntary admitted in psychiatric institution. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 44(12), 1200-1208.
Paradis-Gagné, E., Kaszap, M., Ben Ahmed, H. E., Pariseau-Legault, P., Jacques, M.-C., & Potcoava, S. (2023). Perceptions of mobile and acute healthcare services among people experiencing homelessness. Public Health Nursing, 40(1), 36‑43.
Parent, G., Piché, M.-È., Laurier, C., Guay, J.-P., & Knight, R. A. (2023). An inclusive typology of youths convicted of sexual or non-sexual crime. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 1‑19.
Raiche, A.-P., Dauphinais, L., Duval, M., De Luca, G., Rivest-Hénault, D., Vaughan, T., Proulx, C., & Guay, J.-P. (2023). Factors influencing acceptance and trust of chatbots in juvenile offenders’ risk assessment training. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1184016.
Raiche, A.-P., Duval, M., Dauphinais, L., Knight, R., & Guay, J.-P. (2023). Development and validation of the MIDSA-SC scale. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 1-22.
Raymond, M., Proulx, J., Ruest, G., & Brouillette-Alarie, S. (2023). Sexual recidivism during treatment : Impact on therapists. Sexual Abuse, 10790632231153636.
Rousseau, C., Johnson-Lafleur, J., Ngov, C., La Rochelle, X., Brouillette-Alarie, S., Gignac, M., Veissière, S., & Crocker, A. G. (2023). Risk assessment challenges in a specialized clinic for individuals referred for violent extremism. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management.
Roy, L., Abdel-Baki, A., Bérubé, F.-A., Crocker, A. G., de Benedictis, L., Dostie, M., Latimer, E., & Roy, M.-A. (2023). Housing trajectories and the risk of homelessness among new mental health service users : Protocol for the AMONT study. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 17(5), 495‑501.
Roy, L., Lemieux, A. J., Gagnon, J.-P., & Crocker, A. G. (2023). Lessons learned from the implementation of an intersectoral cross-training approach to improve justice outcomes for homeless adults with mental illness. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 32, 100641.
Strus, J. A., Holmes, D., O’Byrne, P., & Hammond, C. (2023). Lefebvre’s production of space : Implications for nursing. Nursing Philosophy: An International Journal for Healthcare Professionals, e12420.
Trottier, D., Laflamme, K., Guay, J.-P., & Benbouriche, M. (2023). French validation of the Tactics First-Sexual Experiences Survey–Perpetrator in heterosexual men. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science / Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement.
Trudel, P., Cormier, S., & Trottier, D. (2023). Les minorités sexuelles et de genre vivant avec une douleur chronique : Survol des expériences et défis en contexte de soins de santé. Douleurs : Évaluation – Diagnostic – Traitement, 24(1), 6‑15.
Turcotte, P.-L., & Holmes, D. (2023). From domestication to imperial patronage : Deconstructing the biomedicalisation of occupational therapy. Health, 27(5), 719‑737.
Turcotte, P.-L., Holmes, D., & Murray, S. J. (2023). The shiny new object : Deconstructing the patient-oriented paradigm in health sciences. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 29(5), 700‑708.
Publications 2022
Bertsch, I., Guay, J.-P., Réveillère, C., Telle, E., Douceron, H., Dubuisson, M., Courtois, R., & Pham, T. (2022). An investigation of reliability and validity of the LS/CMI with French offenders. L’Encephale.
Bitzer, S., Chopin, J., Beauregard, E., Mousseau, V., & Fortin, F. (2022). Sexual homicide and the forensic process : The decision-making process of collecting and analyzing traces and its implication for crime solving. Forensic Science International, 340, 111446.
Bodryzlova, Y., Lemieux, A. J., & Crocker, A. (2022). The first wave of covid-19 in forensic psychiatry : A rapid review series. Victims & Offenders, 1‑19.
Carpentier, J., Arseneault, C., & Alain, M. (Éds.). (2022). Délinquance à l’adolescence : Comprendre, évaluer, intervenir. Presses de l’Université du Québec.
Chopin, J., Beauregard, E., Baroche, C., Piridjani, M., Sabot, M., & Fortin, F. (2022). An exploration of unsolved missing persons cases suspected of a criminal outcome : A forensic victimology approach. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 19(3), 118‑134.
Chopin, J., Fortin, F., & Paquette, S. (2022). Childhood victimization and poly-victimization of online sexual offenders : A developmental psychopathology perspective. Child Abuse & Neglect, 129, 105659.
Chopin, J., Paquette, S., & Fortin, F. (2022). Geeks and Newbies : Investigating the Criminal Expertise of Online Sex Offenders. Deviant Behavior, 1‑17.
Chouinard-Thivierge, S., Lussier, P., & Charette, Y. (2022). The Adult Offending Outcomes of Adolescents Who Have Perpetrated a Sex Offense : Is Sexual Offending in Adolescence Indicative of Things to Come? Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 15412040221123528.
Couture, S., T Hebert, S., Laurier, C., Monette, S., Helie, S., & Lafortune, D. (2022). Profile of Runaway Youths from Residential Care Centers : Variation in Risk-Taking Propensity. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 32(1), 355‑371.
Crocker, A., Leclair, M., Bélanger, F., & Livingston, J. (2022). Survol de l’organisation des services de santé mentale forensique à travers le monde : Vers un modèle hiérarchisé-équilibré. Santé mentale au Québec, 47(1), 181‑217.
Deslauriers, J.-M., Drouin, C., Higgs, T., & Bastonnais, J. (2022). Implementation and Functioning of Collaboration Agreement for Intrafamilial Homicide Risk Intervention. Partner Abuse.
Dumont, M., Briand, C., Aubin, G., Dumais, A., & Potvin, S. (2022). Developing immersive videos to train social cognition in individuals with schizophrenia in forensic psychiatry. The Journal of Forensic Practice, 24(3), 201‑215.
Garant, E., Gauthier, A., Higgs, T., James, J., & Bouchard, J.-P. (2022). Les pédophiles sont-ils tous des agresseurs sexuels d’enfants ? Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique.
Garcia, M. P. R., Genest, C., Leclerc-Loiselle, J., Poitras-Crête, M., Larue, C., & Paradis-Gagné, É. (2022). Effets de l’intervention so RELAX sur la santé mentale des étudiants en sciences infirmières. Science infirmière et pratiques en santé, 5(Supplément), 30-30.
Goulet, M.-H., Desmarais, M., Pariseau-Legault, P., Larue, C., Jean-Baptiste, F., Turcotte, J.-S., & Crocker, A. G. (2022). Violence Prevention Climate Scale : Translation, Adaptation, and Psychometric Assessment of the French Canadian Version. Science of Nursing and Health Practices, 4(2), 67‑85.
Goulet, M.-H., Latulippe, M., Pariseau-Legault, P., Hallett, N., & Crocker, A. G. (2022). Violence prevention climate in civil and forensic mental health settings : Common goal, different views? International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 1‑10.
Guay, J.-P., Da Silva Guerreiro, J., & Crocker, A. (2022). Les méthodes et enjeux relatifs à l’évaluation du risque de la violence hétérodirigée. Santé mentale au Québec, 47(1), 63‑85.
Guyon, R., Fernet, M., Girard, M., Cousineau, M.-M., Tardif, M., & Godbout, N. (2022). Who am I as a Sexual Being? The Role of Sexual Self-Concept Between Dispositional Mindfulness and Sexual Satisfaction among Child Sexual Abuse Survivors. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 8862605221123290.
Heylen, B., Caulet, M., Lemieux, A., Seto, M. C., Nicholls, T., & Crocker, A. G. (2022). What happens after discharge from a forensic psychiatric hospital? : An analysis of causally complex patterns of recovery among people found non-criminally responsible on account of mental disorder. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 1‑11.
Hodgins, S., & Moulin, V. (2022). Le nouveau défi des services destinés aux personnes présentant un premier épisode de psychose : Intégrer des interventions pour prévenir et réduire les agressions physiques. Santé mentale au Québec, 47(1), 87‑109.
Johansson, J. A., & Holmes, D. (2022). Abjection and the weaponization of bodily excretions in forensic psychiatry settings : A poststructural reflection. Nursing Inquiry, 29(4), e12480.
Johansson, J. A., & Holmes, D. (2022). The use of recovery model in forensic psychiatric settings : A Foucauldian critique. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 31(3), 752‑760.
Lafortune, D., Dussault, É., Philibert, M., & Godbout, N. (2022). Prevalence and Correlates of Sexual Aversion : A Canadian Community-Based Study. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 19(8), 1269‑1280.
LeBlanc, C., & Trottier, D. (2022). Utilisation problématique de pornographie en ligne chez les hommes et les femmes : Facteurs discriminants et prédictifs. Sexologies.
Leclair, M. C., Charette, Y., Caulet, M., & Crocker, A. G. (2022). Care pathways, health service use patterns and opportunities for justice involvement prevention among forensic mental health clients. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Revue Canadienne De Psychiatrie, 67(12), 907‑917.
Leclair, M. C., Charette, Y., Seto, M., Nicholls, T. L., Roy, L., Dufour, M., & Crocker, A. G. (2022). Barriers and facilitators of access and utilization of mental health services among forensic service users along the care pathway. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), 1495.
Leclair, M., Latimer, É., Lemieux, A., Roy, L., Nicholls, T., & Crocker, A. (2022). Au-delà du logement : L’effet hétérogène de Logement d’abord sur l’implication criminelle de personnes vivant avec un trouble mental. Santé mentale au Québec, 47(1), 37‑61.
Lemieux, A. J., Beauchamp, E., Klein, A., & Crocker, A. G. (2022). Thirty Years of Court Diversion Initiatives : Lessons Learned and Future Directions. Routledge.
Lemieux, A. J., Dumais Michaud, A.-A., Gagnon, J.-P., Beauchamp, E., Gratton, E., Klein, A., & Crocker, A. G. (2022). Un examen de la portée des alternatives à l’incarcération au niveau des tribunaux : Constats et enjeux applicables au contexte québécois. Institut national de psychiatrie légale Philippe-Pinel.
Longpré, N., Galiano, C. B., & Guay, J.-P. (2022). The impact of childhood trauma, personality, and sexuality on the development of paraphilias. Journal of Criminal Justice, 82, 101981.
Lussier, P., McCuish, E., Proulx, J., Chouinard Thivierge, S., & Frechette, J. (2022). The sexual recidivism drop in Canada : A meta-analysis of sex offender recidivism rates over an 80-year period. Criminology & Public Policy.
Martin, S., Charette, Y., Leclerc, C., Seto, M. C., Nicholls, T. L., & Crocker, A. G. (2022). Not a “Get Out of Jail Free Card” : Comparing the Legal Supervision of Persons Found Not Criminally Responsible on Account of Mental Disorder and Convicted Offenders. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12.
Michaud, P., Beauregard, E., & Proulx, J. (2022). Criminal nomadism : A neglected dimension of spatial mobility in sex offending. Journal of Criminal Justice, 81, 101928.
Nolet, A.-M., Charette, Y., & Mignon, F. (2022). The Effect of Prosocial and Antisocial Relationships Structure on Offenders’ Optimism towards Desistance. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 64(2), 59‑81.
Olver, M. E., Mundt, J. C., Hogan, N. R., Coupland, R. B. A., Eggert, J. E., Higgs, T., Lewis, K., Cortoni, F., Gordon, A., Morgan, P. J., & Wong, S. C. P. (2022). Assessing dynamic violence risk : Common language risk levels and recidivism rates for the Violence Risk Scale. Psychological Assessment.
Paquette, S., Brouillette-Alarie, S., & Seto, M. C. (2022). Pornography Use, Offense-Supportive Cognitions, Atypical Sexual Interests, and Sexual Offending against Children. The Journal of Sex Research, 59(6), 792‑804.
Paquette, S., Chopin, J., Beauregard, E., & Fortin, F. (2022). Risky Business : Deadliest Predictors of Sex-Trade Worker Sexual Victimization. Victims & Offenders, 1‑24.
Paquette, S., Chopin, J., & Fortin, F. (2022). Child sexual exploitation material offenders, one-size-fits-all for? Exploring tailored clinical dimensions based on cognitive and behavioural criminogenic factors. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health: CBMH.
Paquette, S., & Cortoni, F. (2022). Offense-Supportive Cognitions Expressed by Men Who Use Internet to Sexually Exploit Children : A Thematic Analysis. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 66(6‑7), 647‑669.
Paradis-Gagné, E., & Pariseau-Legault, P. (2022). Critical Research and Qualitative Methodologies : Theoretical Foundations and Contribution to Nursing Research. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice, 36(2), 119‑138.
Parent, G., Bilodeau, M.-P., Laurier, C., & Guay, J.-P. (2022). Clinical overrides with the YLS/CMI : Predictive validity and associated factors. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 00938548221131958.
Pariseau-Legault, P., Ouellet, G., Paradis-Gagné, É., Bernheim, E., & Sallée, N. (2022). L’obligation de signalement aux services de protection de l’enfance : Analyse situationnelle de sa mise en œuvre dans les pratiques de soins primaires. Science infirmière et pratiques en santé, 5(1), 34‑47.
Péloquin, O., Fortin, F., & Paquette, S. (2022). Examining Negative Online Social Reaction to Police Use of Force : The George Floyd and Jacob Blake Events. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 64(1), 53‑81.
Rangel, J. C., Holmes, D., Perron, A., & Miller, G. E. (2022). Biopower under a state of exception : Stories of dying and grieving alone during COVID-19 emergency measures. Medical Humanities, 48(4), 471‑479.
Rousseau, C., Frounfelker, R., Ngov, C., & Crocker, A. (2022). Clinical services addressing violent extremism : The Quebec model. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 1‑11.
Roy, L., Abdel-Baki, A., Bérubé, F.-A., Crocker, A., de Benedictis, L., Dostie, M., Latimer, E., & Roy, M.-A. (2022). Housing trajectories and the risk of homelessness among new mental health service users : Protocol for the AMONT study. Early Intervention in Psychiatry.
Roy, L., Keays, N., Lemieux, A., Nicole, M., & Crocker, A. (2022). Traumatismes complexes et services psycholégaux : Vers des pratiques sensibles au trauma. Santé mentale au Québec, 47(1), 19‑36.
Seyer-Forget, C., Holmes, D., Jacob, J. D., Bernheim, E., & Paradis-Gagné, É. (2022). Intervening against the will of the patient : Pro re nata medication and the phenomenological experience of nursing staff working in a psycho-legal environment. Recherche en soins infirmiers, 150(3), 7‑22.
Subu, M. A., Holmes, D., Arumugam, A., Al-Yateem, N., Maria Dias, J., Rahman, S. A., Waluyo, I., Ahmed, F. R., & Abraham, M. S. (2022). Traditional, religious, and cultural perspectives on mental illness : A qualitative study on causal beliefs and treatment use. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being, 17(1), 2123090.
Vial, S., Boudhraâ, S., & Dumont, M. (2022). Human-Centered Design Approaches in Digital Mental Health Interventions : Exploratory Mapping Review. JMIR Mental Health, 9(6), e35591.
Publications antérieures
Auclair-Fournier, É., & Charette, Y. (2021). Le temps de visionnement comme mesure des préférences sexuelles déviantes chez les auteurs de crimes à caractère sexuel : Une revue systématique. Criminologie, 54(1), 279.
Bamvita, J.-M., Larm, P., Vitaro, F., Tremblay, R., Cote, G., & Hodgins, S. (2021). How do childhood conduct problems, callousness and anxiety relate to later offending and adult mental disorder? Criminal Behaviour & Mental Health, 31(1), 60‑76.
Bernard, L., Bévillard-Charrière, Q., Taha, S., & Holmes, D. (2021). Une revue intégrative de l’identité populaire de l’infirmière durant la pandémie de la COVID-19. Recherche en soins infirmiers, N° 145(2), 91‑103.
Bouhabdillah, N., Holmes, D., & Perron, A. (2021). Career Advancement : The Lived Experiences of Minority Nurses. Witness: The Canadian Journal of Critical Nursing Discourse, 3(1), 73‑84.
Charette, Y., Goossens, I., Seto, M. C., Nicholls, T. L., & Crocker, A. G. (2021). Is knowledge contagious? Diffusion of violence-risk-reporting practices across clinicians’ professional networks. Clinical Psychological Science, 9(2), 284‑293.
Couture, S., T Hébert, S., Laurier, C., Monette, S., Hélie, S., & Lafortune, D. (2021). Profile of Runaway Youths from Residential Care Centers : Variation in Risk-Taking Propensity. Journal of Research on Adolescence: The Official Journal of the Society for Research on Adolescence.
Geoffrion, S., Lamothe, J., Fraser, S., Lafortune, D., & Dumais, A. (2021). Worker and perceived team climate factors influence the use of restraint and seclusion in youth residential treatment centers : Results from a mixed-method longitudinal study. Child Abuse & Neglect, 111, 104825.
Guyon, R., Fernet, M., Dussault, É., Gauthier-Duchesne, A., Cousineau, M.-M., Tardif, M., & Godbout, N. (2021). Experiences of Disclosure and Reactions of Close Ones from the Perspective of Child Sexual Abuse Survivors : A Qualitative Analysis of Gender Specificities. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 1‑22.
Higgs, T., Proulx, J., Gauthier, A., Garant, E., & James, J. (2021). Sexual Sadism and offending. In L. A. Craig & R. M. Bartels (Éds.), Sexual Deviance : Understanding, Assessing and Managing Deviant Sexual Interests and Paraphilic Disorders (p. 189‑206). John Wiley & Sons.
Holmes, D., Numer, M., Hammond, C., Joy, P., & Sinno, J. (2021). Assembling Bodies and Technologies : A Poststructural Ethnography of ChemSex Among Men Having Sex with Men. Gender, Technology, and Development.
James, J., Proulx, J., & Bouchard, J.-P. (2021). Les auteurs d’homicides sexuels : Psychopathologie, processus de passage à l’acte et prise en charge clinique. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique.
Karlsson, L. C., Antfolk, J., Putkonen, H., Amon, S., da Silva Guerreiro, J., de Vogel, V., Flynn, S., & Weizmann-Henelius, G. (2021). Familicide : A Systematic Literature Review. Trauma Violence & Abuse, 22(1), 83‑98.
Lafortune, D., Blais, M., Miller, G., Dion, L., Lalonde, F., & Dargis, L. (2021). Psychological and Interpersonal Factors Associated with Sexualized Drug Use Among Men Who Have Sex with Men : A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 50(2), 427‑460.
Lafortune, D., Canivet, C., Boislard, M.-A., & Godbout, N. (2021). Validation of a brief French version of the sexual anxiety scale. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 30(1), 94‑105.
Nolet, K., Guay, J.-P., & Bergeron, S. (2021). Validation of the French-Canadian Version of the Sexual Inhibition and Sexual Excitation Scales-Short Form (SIS/SES-SF) : Associations With Sexual Functioning, Sociosexual Orientation, and Sexual Compulsivity. Sexual Medicine, 9(4), 100374.
Paradis-Gagné, E., & Holmes, D. (2021). Governing families that care for a sick relative : The contributions of donzelot’s theory for nursing. Nursing Philosophy: An International Journal for Healthcare Professionals, e12349.
Paradis-Gagne, E., & Pariseau-Legault, P. (2021). Critical ethnography of outreach nurses-perceptions of the clinical issues associated with social disaffiliation and stigma. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(3), 1357‑1367.
Paradis-Gagne, E., Pariseau-Legault, P., Goulet, M.-H., Jacob, J. d, & Lessard-Deschenes, C. (2021). Coercion in psychiatric and mental health nursing : A conceptual analysis. Journal of Mental Health Nursing, no pagination.
Roy, C., Castonguay, A., Fortin, M., Drolet, C., Franche-Choquette, G., Dumais, A., Lafortune, D., Bernard, P., & Geoffrion, S. (2021). The Use of Restraint and Seclusion in Residential Treatment Care for Youth : A Systematic Review of Related Factors and Interventions. Trauma Violence & Abuse, 22(2), 318‑338.
Spearson Goulet, J.-A., Lalonde, F., Benoit, J., & Carpentier, J. (2021). Revue de la littérature sur l’état des connaissances concernant la sexualité des adolescents auteurs de transgression sexuelle. Sexologies, 30(2), 67‑87.
Stefanska, E. b, Higgs, T., Carter, A. j, & Beech, A. r. (2021). « We Boil at Different Degrees » : Factors Associated With Severity of Attack in Sexual Killing. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 5‑6, 2409‑2429.
Bamvita, J.-M., Larm, P., Vitaro, F., Tremblay, R., Cote, G., & Hodgins, S. (2020). How do childhood conduct problems, callousness and anxiety relate to later offending and adult mental disorder? Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health.
Beauchamp, E., Klein, A., Lemieux, A. J., & Crocker, A. G. (2020). Situer les programmes de dé-judiciarisation québécois au niveau des tribunaux dans les critiques juridiques globales. In K. Poitras & P.-C. Gagnon (Éds.), Psychologie et droit (p. 325‑345). Éditions Yvon Blais.
Bellavance, A., Meilleur, D., Morin, G., & Lafortune, D. (2020). Les caractéristiques personnelles d’adolescentes placées en centre éducatif qui sont associées à la qualité de l’alliance de travail précoce. Neuropsychiatrie de l’Enfance et de l’Adolescence.
Bouchard, S., Allard, M., Robillard, G., Dumoulin, S., Guitard, T., Loranger, C., Green-Demers, I., Marchand, A., Renaud, P., Cournoyer, L.-G., & Corno, G. (2020). Videoconferencing Psychotherapy for Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia : Outcome and Treatment Processes From a Non-randomized Non-inferiority Trial. Frontiers in Psychology, 1, 2164.
Edalati, H., Nicholls, T. L., Schütz, C. G., Somers, J. M., Distasio, J., Aubry, T., & Crocker, A. G. (2020). Examining the Relationships between Cumulative Childhood Adversity and the Risk of Criminal Justice Involvement and Victimization among Homeless Adults with Mental Illnesses after Receiving Housing First Intervention: The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.
Denault, V., Plusquellec, P., Jupe, L. M., St-Yves, M., Dunbar, N. E., Hartwig, M., Sporer, S. L., Rioux-Turcotte, J., Jarry, J., Walsh, D., Otgaar, H., Viziteu, A., Talwar, V., Keatley, D. A., Blandón-Gitlin, I., Townson, C., Deslauriers-Varin, N., Lilienfeld, S. O., Patterson, M. L., … Guay, J.-P., … Koppen, P. J. van. (2020). The Analysis of Nonverbal Communication : The Dangers of Pseudoscience in Security and Justice Contexts. Anuario de Psicologia Juridica, 30(1), 1‑12.
Higgs, T., Lord, A., Stefanska, E. B., & Perkins, D. (2020). Assessing Sadism in Sexual Offenders. In The Wiley Handbook of What Works with Sexual Offenders (p. 139‑151). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Higgs, T., Olver, M. E., Nunes, K., & Cortoni, F. (2020). Risk relevance of psychometric assessment and evaluator ratings of dynamic risk factors in high-risk violent offenders. Legal and Criminological Psychology.
Geoffrion, S., Lamothe, J., Fraser, S., Lafortune, D., & Dumais, A. (2020). Worker and perceived team climate factors influence the use of restraint and seclusion in youth residential treatment centers : Results from a mixed-method longitudinal study. Child Abuse and Neglect.
Goulet, M.-H., Pariseau-Legault, P., Côté, C., Klein, A., & Crocker, A. G. (2020). Multiple Stakeholders’ Perspectives of Involuntary Treatment Orders : A Meta-synthesis of the Qualitative Evidence toward an Exploratory Model. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 19(1), 18‑32.
Guay, J.-P., Parent, G., & Benbouriche, M. (2020). Disentangling Promotive and Buffering Protection : Exploring the Interface between Risk and Protective Factors in Recidivism of Adult Convicted Males. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 47, 1468.
Guyon, R., Fernet, M., Canivet, C., Tardif, M., & Godbout, N. (2020). Sexual self-concept among men and women child sexual abuse survivors : Emergence of differentiated profiles. Child Abuse & Neglect, 104, 104481.
Guyon, R., Fernet, M., Canivet, C., Tardif, M., & Godbout, N. (2020). Sexual self-concept among men and women child sexual abuse survivors : Emergence of differentiated profiles. Child Abuse and Neglect.
James, J., Higgs, T., & Langevin, S. (2020). Reactive and proactive aggression in sexual homicide offenders. Journal of Criminal Justice, 101728.
James, J., & Proulx, J. (2020). Theories That Explain Sexual Aggression Against Women. In The Wiley Handbook of What Works with Sexual Offenders (p. 1‑22). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Jenkins, D., Holmes, D., Burton, C., & Murray, S. J. (2020). ‘This Is Not a Patient, This Is Property of the State’ : Nursing, ethics, and the immigrant detention apparatus. Nursing Inquiry, 27(3), e12358.
Joyal, C. C., Tardif, M., & Spearson-Goulet, J.-A. (2020). Executive functions and social cognition in juveniles who have sexually offended. Journal of Research and Treatment, 32(2), 179‑202.
Labonté, B., Abdallah, K., Maussion, G., Yerko, V., Yang, J., Bittar, T., Quessy, F., Golden, S. A., Navarro, L., Checknita, D., Gigek, C., Lopez, J. P., Neve, R. L., Russo, S. J., Tremblay, R. E., Côté, G., Meaney, M. J., Mechawar, N., Nestler, E. J., & Turecki, G. (2020). Regulation of impulsive and aggressive behaviours by a novel lncRNA. Molecular Psychiatry, 1‑14.
Lafortune, D., Dion, L., & Renaud, P. (2020). Virtual Reality and Sex Therapy : Future Directions for Clinical Research. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 46(1), 1‑17.
Lapalme, M., Forget, K., Le Corff, Y., & Côté, G. (2020). Frequency and type of offences committed by men with severe mental disorders by age of antisocial behaviors onset. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 65(2), 136‑141.
Lemieux, A. J., Leclair, M. C., Roy, L., Nicholls, T. L., & Crocker, A. G. (2020). A Typology of Lifetime Criminal Justice Involvement Among Homeless Individuals With Mental Illness : Identifying Needs to Better Target Intervention. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 0093854819900305.
Lemieux, A. J., Michaud, A.-A. D., Damasse, J., Morin-Major, J.-K., Nguyen, T. N., Lesage, A., & Crocker, A. G. (2020). Management of COVID-19 for Persons with Mental Illness in Secure Units : A Rapid International Review to Inform Practice in Québec. Victims & Offenders, 0(0), 1‑24.
Lemieux, A. J., Michaud, A.-A. D., Damasse, J., Morin-Major, J.-K., Nguyen, T. N., Lesage, A., & Crocker, A. G. (2020). Management of COVID-19 for Persons with Mental Illness in Secure Units : A Rapid International Review to Inform Practice in Québec. Victims & Offenders, 15(7‑8), 1337‑1360.
Longpré, N., Guay, J.-P., & Knight, R. A. (2020). Sadistic Sexual Aggressors. In The Wiley Handbook of What Works with Sexual Offenders (p. 387‑409). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Longpre, N., Guay, J.-P., Knight, R. A., Weierstall-Pust, R., Pust, G., Giebel, G., Yoon, D., Mauzaite, A., Mokros, A., & Yost, M. R. (2020). Sadism and masochism. In R. R. Milhausen, J. K. Sakaluk, T. D. Fisher, C. M. Davis, & W. L. Yarber (Eds.), Handbook of sexuality-related measures (4th ed., p. 518‑531). Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group; US.
Longpré, N., Knight, R. A., Guay, J.-P., Benbouriche, M., & Walters, G. D. (2020). Hunting for Snarks : A Reply to McPhail (2019a). Archives of Sexual Behavior, 49(1), 25‑30.
Longpré, N., Sims-Knight, J. E., Neumann, C., Guay, J.-P., & Knight, R. A. (2020). Is paraphilic coercion a different construct from sadism or the lower end of an agonistic continuum? Journal of Criminal Justice, 101743.
Paradis-Gagné, E., & Guimond, V. (2020). Implementation of the Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Role in Forensic Settings : A Case Report. Journal of Forensic Nursing, Publish Ahead of Print.
Paradis-Gagné, É., & Holmes, D. (2020). Poststructuralisme, gouvernementalité et perspectives de genre : La prise en charge d’un proche atteint de troubles mentaux par la famille. Societes, n° 147(1), 69‑84.
Paradis-Gagné, E., Holmes, D., & Jacob, J. D. (2020). Caring for a violent relative with severe mental illness : A qualitative study. Journal of Research in Nursing, 1744987120937409.
Paradis-Gagné, E., Holmes, D., & Perron, A. (2020). Experiences of Family Violence Committed by Relatives With Severe Mental Illness : A Grounded Theory. Journal of Forensic Nursing.
Paradis‐Gagné, E., & Jacob, J. D. (2020). Judiciarization of people suffering from mental illness : A critical analysis of the psychiatric-judicial interface. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.
Paradis-Gagné, E., Jacob, J.-D., & Pariseau-Legault, P. (2020). What lies at the intersection of law and psychiatric nursing? Exploring the process of judiciarization in the context of mental health. Witness: The Canadian Journal of Critical Nursing Discourse, 2(2), 3‑19.
Paradis-Gagné, E., & Pariseau-Legault, P. (2020). Critical ethnography of outreach nurses- perceptions of the clinical issues associated with social disaffiliation and stigma. Journal of Advanced Nursing.
Paradis-Gagné, E., Pariseau-Legault, P., Villemure, M., & Chauvette, S. (2020). A Critical Ethnography of Outreach Nursing for People Experiencing Homelessness. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 37(4), 189‑202.
Proulx, J., Cortoni, F., Craig, L. A., & Letourneau, E. J. (2020). Handbook of What Works with Sexual Offenders. John Wiley & Sons.
Proulx, J., James, J., & Higgs, T. (2020). Sexual Murderers. In The Wiley Handbook of What Works with Sexual Offenders (p. 295‑310). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Roy, L., Crocker, A., Hurtubise, R., Latimer, E., Côté, M., Billette, I., & Boissy, F. (2020). Reducing Criminal Justice Involvement of Individuals Experiencing Homelessness and Mental Illness : Perspectives of Frontline Practitioners. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, e20190056.
Seto, M. C., Charette, Y., Nicholls, T. L., & Crocker, A. G. (2020). Predicting Which Clinically Documented Incidents of Aggression Lead to Findings of Guilt in a Forensic Psychiatric Sample. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 1‑12.
Spinelli, C., Paradis-Gagné, E., Per, M., Fleischmann, M. H., Manova, V., Wallace, A., & Khoury, B. (2020). Evaluating the Use of Mindfulness and Yoga Training on Forensic Inpatients : A Pilot Study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 614409.
Benbouriche, M., Testé, B., Guay, J.-P., & Lavoie, M. E. (2019). The Role of Rape-Supportive Attitudes, Alcohol, and Sexual Arousal in Sexual (Mis)Perception : An Experimental Study. Journal of Sex Research, 56(6), 766‑777.
Brouillette-Alarie, S., & Proulx, J. (2019). The Etiology of Risk in Sexual Offenders: A Preliminary Model. Sexual Abuse, 31(4), 431‑455.
Chokka, P., Bougie, J., Proulx, J., Tvistholm, A. H., & Ettrup, A. (2019). Long-term functioning outcomes are predicted by cognitive symptoms in working patients with major depressive disorder treated with vortioxetine : Results from the AtWoRC study. CNS Spectrums, 24(6), 616‑627.
Comai, S., Bertazzo, A., Vachon, J., Daigle, M., Toupin, J., Côté, G., & Gobbi, G. (2019). Trace elements among a sample of prisoners with mental and personality disorders and aggression: Correlation with impulsivity and ADHD indices. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 51, 123‑129.
Groleau, R., & Da Silva Guerreiro, J. (2019). Agression en milieu psychiatrique fermé : Identification des déclencheurs qui précèdent les agressions contre les intervenants. Revue de psychoéducation, 48(1), 45‑68.
Higgs, T., Cortoni, F., & Nunes, K. (2019). Reducing Violence Risk? Some Positive Recidivism Outcomes for Canadian Treated High-Risk Offenders. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 46(3).
Higgs, T., James, J., & Proulx, J. (2019). The Unusual Suspects: Multiple-Perpetrator and Multiple Concurrent Victim Sexual Homicide. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology.
James, J., Beauregard, E., & Proulx, J. (2019). Sexual murderers in everyday life. Journal of Criminal Justice, 60, 64‑73.
James, J., Proulx, J., Vuidard, E., Renard, A., Maout, S. L., & Brunel-Dupin, M.-L. (2019). Sexual Homicide in France. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. Prépublication.
Karlsson, L. C., Antfolk, J., Putkonen, H., Amon, S., Da Silva Guerreiro, J., de Vogel, V., Flynn, S., & Weizmann-Henelius, G. (2019). Familicide: A Systematic Literature Review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 1524838018821955.
Leclair, M. C., Deveaux, F., Roy, L., Goulet, M.-H., Latimer, E. A., & Crocker, A. G. (2019). The Impact of Housing First on Criminal Justice Outcomes among Homeless People with Mental Illness: A Systematic Review. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 64(8), 525‑530.
Lemieux, A., & Crocker, A. (2019). Des tribunaux en santé mentale pour éviter l’emprisonnement. Relations, 801, 19‑20.
Morin, D., Valois, P., Crocker, A. G., & Robitaille, C. (2019). Development and psychometric properties of the Attitudes Toward Intellectual Disability Questionnaire – Short Form. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 63(6), 539‑547.
Ouellet, M., Bouchard, M., & Charette, Y. (2019). One gang dies, another gains? The network dynamics of criminal group persistence. Criminology, 57(1), 5‑33.
Paradis-Gagné, E., & Pariseau-Legault, P. (2019). Psychiatry, risk and vulnerability: The significance of Robert Castel’s work for nursing. Nursing Philosophy: An International Journal for Healthcare Professionals, e12295.
Pariseau-Legault, P., Goulet, M.-H., & Crocker, A. G. (2019). Une analyse critique des effets de l’autorisation judiciaire de soins sur la dynamique relationnelle entre la personne visée et ses systèmes de soutien. Aporia, 11(1), 41‑55.
Renaud, P. (n.d.) Psychiatrie légale et réalité virtuelle. In Le cerveau est-il coupable ? (pp. 173). Philippe-Duval.
Seto, M. C., Crocker, A. G., Nicholls, T. L., & Côté, G. (in press). Setting a national agenda on mental health and criminal justice. Psychosis.
Spearson Goulet, J.-A., & Tardif, M. (2019). Exploring parent sexuality profiles and links with the sexuality profiles of adolescents who have engaged in sexual abuse. Child Abuse & Neglect, 93, 66‑78.
Alain, M., Marcotte, J., Desrosiers, J., Turcotte, D., & Lafortune, D. (2018). The thin line between protection and conviction: Experiences with child protection services and later criminal convictions among a population of adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 63, 85‑95.
Brouillette-Alarie, S., Proulx, J., & Hanson, R. K. (2018). Three Central Dimensions of Sexual Recidivism Risk: Understanding the Latent Constructs of Static-99R and Static-2002R. Sexual Abuse, 30(6), 676‑704.
Charette, Y., Tremblay, P., & Deslauriers-Varin, N. (2018). La trajectoire de la recherche empirique quantitative dans la revue Criminologie (1968-2016) : Une perspective éditoriale. Criminologie, 51(1), 169‑199.
Cigna, M.-H., Guay, J.-P., & Fontaine, N. M. G. (2018). Developmental Profiles of Individuals with Psychopathic Traits: The Good, the Bad and the Snake. Dans The SAGE Handbook of Personality and Individual Differences: Volume II: Origins of Personality and Individual Differences (p. 112‑131). SAGE Publications Ltd.
Crocker, A. G., Martin, M. S., Leclair, M. C., Nicholls, T. L., & Seto, M. C. (2018). Expanding the early and late starter model of criminal justice involvement for forensic mental health clients. Law and Human Behavior, 42(1), 83‑93.
Dellazizzo, L., Dugré, J. R., Berwald, M., Stafford, M.-C., Côté, G., Potvin, S., & Dumais, A. (2018). Distinct pathological profiles of inmates showcasing cluster B personality traits, mental disorders and substance use regarding violent behaviors. Psychiatry Research, 260, 371‑378.
Dugal, C., Godbout, N., Bélanger, C., & Tardif, M. (2018). Agresseurs sexuels adultes : Typologie et Traitement. In S. Bergheul. (Eds.), Violence et crimes sexuels : Représentations, interventions et prise en charge (pp. 73-100). Presses de l’Université du Québec.
F.-Dufour, I., Villeneuve, M.-P., & Lafortune, D. (2018). Does the “last chance” sentence work? Ten years of failures and successes under a juvenile intermediate sanction in Canada. Punishment & Society, 20(5), 539‑561.
Fortin, F., & Proulx, J. (2018). Sexual interests of child sexual exploitation material (CSEM) consumers: Four patterns of severity over time. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology.
Higgs, T., & Stefanska, E. (2018). Psychological and criminological factors in diverse types of sexual murderers. In J. Proulx, A. Carter, E. Beauregard, A. Mokros, R. Darjee & J. James (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook of Sexual Homicide Studies (pp. 92-103). Routledge.
Higgs, T., Tully, R. J., & Browne, K. D. (2018). Psychometric Properties in Forensic Application of the Screening Version of the Psychopathy Checklist. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 62(7), 1869‑1887.
Holmes, D., Perron, A., Jacob, J. D., Paradis-Gagné, É., & Gratton, S.-M. (2018). Pratique en milieu de psychiatrie légale : Proposition d’un modèle interdisciplinaire. Recherche en soins infirmiers, 134(3), 33‑43.
Iosifidis, G., Charette, Y., Airoldi, E. M., Littera, G., Tassiulas, L., & Christakis, N. A. (2018). Cyclic motifs in the Sardex monetary network. Nature Human Behaviour, 2(11), 822‑829.
James, J., Lussier, P., & Proulx, J. (2018). Serial and non-serial sexual murderers: An exploratory study of developmental antecedents. In J. Proulx, A. Carter, A. Mokros, E. Beauregard, D. Rajan & J. James (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook of Sexual Homicide Studies (pp. 70-91). Routledge.
James, J., Proulx, J., & Lussier, P. (2018). A cross-national study of sexual murderers in France and Canada. In J. Proulx, A. Carter, A. Mokros, E. Beauregard, D. Rajan & J. James (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook of Sexual Homicide Studies (pp. 171-195). Routledge.
Joyal, C. C., Tardif, M., & Spearson-Goulet, J.-A. (2018). Executive Functions and Social Cognition in Juveniles Who Have Sexually Offended. Sexual Abuse.
Knight, R.A., & Guay, J.-P. (2018). The Role of Psychopathy in Sexual Coercion against Women: An Update and Expansion. In C.J. Patrick (Ed.), Handbook of psychopathy (2nd ed., pp 662-681). Guilford Publications.
Langevin, S., James, J., Proulx, J., & Vuidard, E. (2018). Sexual murderers’ sexual lifestyle: An internal constraint to modus operandi? In J. Proulx, A. Carter, A. Mokros, E. Beauregard, D. Rajan & J. James (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook of Sexual Homicide Studies (pp. 49-69). Routledge.
Langevin, S., Proulx, J., & Lacourse, E. (2018). Sexual Aggressors Against Women’s Sexual Lives: A Latent Class Analysis. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 62(6), 1430‑1451.
Leclerc, B., & Proulx, J. (2018). An Opportunity View of Child Sexual Offending: Investigating Nonpersuasion and Circumstances of Offending Through Criminological Lens. Sexual Abuse, 30(7), 869‑882.
Linteau, I., Lafortune, D., & Leclerc, C. (2018). Détermination de la peine dans le système de justice pénale pour adolescents : Examen des dilemmes éthiques vécus par les acteurs judiciaires québécois. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 60(1), 69‑95.
Linteau, I., Leclerc, C., & Lafortune, D. (2018). Détermination de la peine et dilemmes éthiques dans le système de justice des mineurs : Comprendre la prise de décision des acteurs judiciaires. Champ pénal/Penal field, 15.
Longpré, N., Guay, J.-P., & Knight, R.A. (2018). The developmental Antecedents of Sexual Sadism. Dans J. Proulx, A. Carter, E. Beauregard, A. Mokros, R. Darjee, et J. James (Eds), International Handbook of Sexual Homicide (pp. 283-303). Routledge.
Longpré, N., Guay, J.-P., & Knight, R. A. (2018). The developmental Antecedents of Sexual Sadism. Dans J. Proulx, A. Carter, E. Beauregard, A. Mokros, R. Darjee, et J. James (Eds), International Handbook of Sexual Homicide (pp. 283-303). Routledge.
Longpré, N., Guay, J.-P., Knight, R. A., & Benbouriche, M. (2018). Sadistic Offender or Sexual Sadism? Taxometric Evidence for a Dimensional Structure of Sexual Sadism. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 47(2), 403‑416.
Longpré, N., Proulx, J., & Brouillette-Alarie, S. (2018). Convergent Validity of Three Measures of Sexual Sadism: Value of a Dimensional Measure. Sexual Abuse, 30(2), 192‑208.
Martin, M. S., Crocker, A. G., Potter, B. K., Wells, G. A., Grace, R. M., & Colman, I. (2018). Mental Health Screening and Differences in Access to Care among Prisoners. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 63(10), 692‑700.
Martin, M. S., Potter, B. K., Crocker, A. G., Wells, G. A., Grace, R. M., & Colman, I. (2018). Mental health treatment patterns following screening at intake to prison. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 86(1), 15‑23.
Martin, M. S., Wells, G. A., Crocker, A. G., Potter, B. K., & Colman, I. (2018a). Decision curve analysis as a framework to estimate the potential value of screening or other decision-making aids. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 27(1), e1601.
Martin, M. S., Wells, G. A., Crocker, A. G., Potter, B. K., & Colman, I. (2018b). Mental Health Screening, Treatment, and Institutional Incidents: A Propensity Score Matched Analysis of Long-Term Outcomes of Screening. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 17(2), 133‑144.
Morin, D., Valois, P., Crocker, A. G., Robitaille, C., & Lopes, T. (2018). Attitudes of health care professionals toward people with intellectual disability: A comparison with the general population. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 62(9), 746‑758.
Proulx, J. (2018). Introduction. In J. Proulx, A. Carter, A. Mokros, E. Beauregard, D. Rajan, & J. James (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook of Sexual Homicide Studies (pp. xxi-xxiii). Routledge.
Proulx, J. (2018). Sexual homicide studies: An international perspective. In J. Proulx, A. Carter, A. Mokros, E. Beauregard, D. Rajan, & J. James (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook of Sexual Homicide Studies (pp. 3-14). Routledge.
Proulx, J. (2018). New directions in theories of sexual homicide and sexual sadism. In J. Proulx, A. Carter, A. Mokros, E. Beauregard, D. Rajan, & J. James (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook of Sexual Homicide Studies (pp. 597-600). Routledge.
Proulx, J., Carter, A., Mokros, A., Beauregard, E., Rajan., D. & James, J. (2018). Routledge International Handbook of Sexual Homicide Studies. Routledge.
Proulx, J., James, J., Beauregard, E., & Siwic, M. (2018). Sexual murderers of children: Psychopathological and modus operandi factors. In J. Proulx, A. Carter, A. Mokros, E. Beauregard, D. Rajan, & J. James (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook of Sexual Homicide Studies (pp. 117-132). Routledge.
Seto, M. C., Charette, Y., Nicholls, T. L., & Crocker, A. G. (2018). Individual, Service, and Neighborhood Predictors of Aggression Among Persons With Mental Disorders. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 45(7), 929‑948.
Seto, M. C., Leclair, M. C., Wilson, C. M., Nicholls, T. L., & Crocker, A. G. (2018). Comparing persons found not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder for sexual offences versus nonsexual violent offences. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 24(2), 143‑156.
Seto, M. C., Simpson, S., Penney, S., Padraig Darby, Crocker, A. G., & Nicholls, T. L. (2018). Changing characteristics of the Review Board population in Ontario: A population-based study from 1987-2012.
Spearson Goulet, J.-A., & Tardif, M. (2018). Exploring sexuality profiles of adolescents who have engaged in sexual abuse and their link to delinquency and offense characteristics. Child Abuse & Neglect, 82, 112‑123.
Stefanska, E. B., Higgs, T., Carter, A. J., & Beech, A. R. (2018). “We Boil at Different Degrees”: Factors Associated With Severity of Attack in Sexual Killing. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Bamvita, J.-M., Larm, P., Checknita, D., Vitaro, F., Tremblay, R. E., Côté, G., & Hodgins, S. (2017). Childhood predictors of adult psychopathy scores among males followed from age 6 to 33. Journal of Criminal Justice, 53, 55‑65.
Beauregard, E. & Proulx, J. (2017). Models of modus operandi in sexual offending: A criminological perspective. In , A.R. Beech & T. Ward (Eds), The Wiley handbook on the Theories, Assessment and Treatment of Sexual Offending (pp. 337-356). Wiley.
Charette, Y., & Papachristos, A. V. (2017). The network dynamics of co-offending careers. Social Networks, 51, 3‑13.
Conti, J., Ozell, B., Paquette, E., & Renaud, P. (2017). Adjusting stereoscopic parameters by evaluating the point of regard in a virtual environment. Computers & Graphics, 69, 24‑35.
Crocker, A. G., Livingston, J. D., & Leclair, M. (2017). Forensic mental health systems internationally. In R. Roesch & A. N. Cooke (Eds.), Handbook of Forensic Mental Health Services (pp. 3-76). Taylor & Francis/Routledge.
Desjardins, J., Lafortune, D., & Cyr, F. (2017a). Portrait sociodémographique et anamnestique des enfants placés sous la protection de la jeunesse et qui reçoivent des médicaments psychotropes. Journal International De Victimologie, 34, 4-17.
Desjardins, J., Lafortune, D., & Cyr, F. (2017b). Psychopharmacotherapy in children placed in group homes and residential centres in Canada: Psychopathological portrait of children receiving psychotropic medications and educators’ perception of treatment. Children and Youth Services Review, 81, 197‑206.
Desjardins, J., Lafortune, D., & Cyr, F. (2017c). Prévalence des prescriptions psychopharmacologiques aux enfants placés en foyer de groupe et en centre de réadaptation. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 36(3), 1‑14.
Edalati, H., Nicholls, T. L., Crocker, A. G., Roy, L., Somers, J. M., & Patterson, M. L. (2017). Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Risk of Criminal Justice Involvement and Victimization Among Homeless Adults With Mental Illness. Psychiatric Services, 68(12), 1288‑1295.
Higgs, T., Carter, A., Tully, R., & Browne, K. (2017). Sexual murder typologies: A systematic review. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 35, 1‑12.
Higgs, T., Stefanska, E. B., Carter, A. J., & Browne, K. D. (2017). The developmental and criminal histories of subgroups of sexual murderers engaging, or not engaging, in post mortem sexual interference, compared to rapists. Journal of Criminal Justice, 53, 92‑101.
Joyal, C.C., & Spearson-Goulet, J.-A. (2017). Neuropsychologie des adultes et des adolescents agresseurs sexuels. In F. Cortoni & T. H. Pham (Eds.), Traité de l’agression sexuelle. Presses de l’Université de Montréal.
Lafortune, D. (2017). Une introduction aux approches anglo-saxonnes en matière de justice juvénile. In N. Beddiar (Ed.), 70 ans de justice pénale des mineurs – entre spécialisation et déspécialisation (pp. 117-130). L’Harmattan.
Lemieux, A. J., Roy, L., Martin, M. S., Latimer, E. A., & Crocker, A. G. (2017). Justice involvement among homeless individuals with mental illnesses: Are self-report and administrative measures comparable? Evaluation and Program Planning, 61, 86‑95.
Neveu, S. M., Bordeleau, A., & Marschall-Lévesque, S. (2017). Évaluation multimodale en réalité virtuelle des préférences sexuelles déviantes d’agresseurs sexuels d’enfants. In D. Décary-Hêtu & M. Bérubé (Eds.), Délinquance et innovation (pp. 19). Presses de la Polytechnique.
Nijdam-Jones, A., Nicholls, T. L., Crocker, A. G., Roy, L., & Somers, J. M. (2017). History of Forensic Mental Health Service Use Among Homeless Adults with Mental Illness. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 16(1), 69‑82.
Obbarius, A., van Maasakkers, L., Baer, L., Clark, D. M., Crocker, A. G., de Beurs, E., Emmelkamp, P. M. G., Furukawa, T. A., Hedman-Lagerlöf, E., Kangas, M., Langford, L., Lesage, A., Mwesigire, D. M., Nolte, S., Patel, V., Pilkonis, P. A., Pincus, H. A., Reis, R. A., Rojas, G., … Rose, M. (2017). Standardization of health outcomes assessment for depression and anxiety: Recommendations from the ICHOM Depression and Anxiety Working Group. Quality of Life Research, 26(12), 3211‑3225.
Paradis-Gagné, E., Shumilov, I., Groleau, R., Cadorette, S., & Paquin, M.F. (2017). L’application de la philosophie du rétablissement dans le domaine de la psychiatrie légale : une étude de cas clinique. Revue Vision infirmière en santé mentale. 31(3), 7-16.
Proulx, J., James, J., & Langevin, S. (2017). Les meurtriers sexuels. In F. Cortoni et T.H. Pham (Eds.), Traité de l’agression sexuelle (pp. 271-289). Presses de l’Université de Montréal.
Sader, J., Leclerc, C., Guay, S., & Lafortune, D. (2017). Préjugé dans la détermination des peines accordées aux jeunes doublement insérés dans le système public de protection et de justice. Criminologie, 50(1), 77‑97.
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Stefanska, E. B., Higgs, T., Carter, A. J., & Beech, A. R. (2017). When is a murder a sexual murder? Understanding the sexual element in the classification of sexual killings. Journal of Criminal Justice, 50, 53‑61.
Tardif, M., Glowacz, F., & Pascuzzo, K. (2017). Les adolescents auteurs d’abus sexuels : Attitudes et comportements envers la sexualité. In M. Hébert, M. Fernet & M. Blais (Eds.), Le développement sexuel et psychosocial de l’enfant et de l’adolescent (pp. 179-202). De Boeck Supérieur.
Trottier, D., Goyette, M., Benbouriche, M., Renaud, P., Rouleau, J.-L., & Bouchard, S. (2017). Using virtual reality with child sexual offenders: Assessing deviant sexual interests. In A. Rizzo & S. Bouchard (Eds.), Virtual Reality Technologies for Psychological and Neurocognitive Interventions (pp. 209-225). Springer.
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Publications 2024
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Fortier, A., Zouaoui, I., Dumais, A., & Potvin, S. (2024). Effects of recreational cannabis legalization on mental health : Scoping review. Psychiatric Services,
Fortin, F., Spearson Goulet, J.-A., Goyette, M., & Lemieux, A. J. (2024). Unlocking a taboo topic : The sexuality of institutionalized men within a forensic psychiatric facility. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 35(5), 645 659.
Fortin, F., Spearson Goulet, J.-A., Goyette, M., & Lemieux, A. J. (2024). Unlocking a taboo topic : The sexuality of institutionalized men within a forensic psychiatric facility. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 1-15.
Gagnon, M., Perron, A., Désy Bédard, M., Dufour, C., Marcogliese, E., Pariseau-Legault, P., Wright, D. K., Martin, P., & Carnevale, F. A. (2024). Dénonciation infirmière et plateformes électroniques : Une analyse de contenu du Formulaire de soins sécuritaires de la Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec. Aporia, 16(1), 21-35.
Giguere, S., Beaudoin, M., Dellazizzo, L., Phraxayavong, K., Potvin, S., & Dumais, A. (2024). Avatar intervention in virtual reality for cannabis use disorder in individuals with severe mental disorders : Results from a 1-year, single-arm clinical trial. JMIR Mental Health, 11(1), e58499.
Goulet, M.-H., Cassivi, C., Hupé, C., Jean-Baptiste, F., & Dumais, A. (2024). Seclusion and mechanical restraint in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic : An increased use in mental health settings. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 15.
Hanway, P., Akehurst, L., Vernham, Z., & Hope, L. (2024). Who said what? The effects of cognitive load on source monitoring and memory for multiple witnesses’ accounts. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 38(6), e70011.
Hudson, E., Pariseau-Legault, P., Cassivi, C., Chouinard, C., & Goulet, M.-H. (2024). Mental health crisis : An evolutionary concept analysis. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 33(6), 1908 1920.
Jacobsen, K., Roy, L., Marshall, C. A., Perreault, M., Richmond, S., Seto, V., Hoffman-Kuhnt, B., Boutemeur, I., & Rouleau, D. (2024). Outcomes for women after leaving a shelter : A scoping review of the quantitative evidence. Women’s Studies International Forum, 105, 102921.
Jaswal, H., Sohi, I., Rehm, J., Churchill, S., Sherk, A., Stockwell, T., Levesque, C., Sanger, N., Edalati, H., Butt, P. R., Paradis, C., & Shield, K. D. (2024). A drink equals how many cigarettes? Equating mortality risks from alcohol and tobacco use in Canada. Frontiers in Public Health, 12, 1331190.
Kerr, P., Le Page, C., Giguère, C.-É., Marin, M.-F., Trudel-Fitzgerald, C., Romain, A. J., Taschereau-Dumouchel, V., Ouellet-Morin, I., Lecomte, T., Potvin, S., Geoffrion, S., Sasseville, M., Caihol, L., Lipp, O., Pelletier, J.-F., Dumais, A., Lesage, A., Labelle, R., Lavoie, M., … Consortium, S. (2024). The Signature Biobank : A longitudinal biopsychosocial repository of psychiatric emergency patients. Psychiatry Research, 332, 115718.
Keulen-de Vos, M., Herzog-Evans, M., & Benbouriche, M. (2024). Emotional states related to sexual offending versus violent offending using a schema therapy perspective. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 68(12), 1179 1196.
Kharrat, F. G. Z., Gagne, C., Lesage, A., Gariépy, G., Pelletier, J.-F., Brousseau-Paradis, C., Rochette, L., Pelletier, E., Lévesque, P., Mohammed, M., & Wang, J. (2024). Explainable artificial intelligence models for predicting risk of suicide using health administrative data in Quebec. PLOS ONE, 19(4), e0301117.
Lakrouf, R., Roy, L., Arbaud, C., & Stich, C. (2024). Interventions for pregnant youth and young mothers experiencing homelessness : A systematic review. Children and Youth Services Review, 161, 107678.
Le Brun, C., Benbouriche, M., & Tibbels, S. (2024). A study of empathy towards male victims of sexual violence : The effects of gender and sexism. Sexuality & Culture, 28(2), 654-672.
Leal, S., Vrij, A., Ashkenazi, T., Vernham, Z., Fisher, R. P., & Palena, N. (2024). Introducing the high-context communication style interview protocol to detect deception in pairs. Acta Psychologica, 249, 104440.
Leclair, M. C., Crocker, A. G., Lemieux, A. J., Roy, L., Nicholls, T. L., Cao, Z., & Latimer, E. A. (2024). Lifetime criminal justice involvement is not a barrier to Housing First effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness, 1-7.
Lessard-Deschênes, C., Pariseau-Legault, P., & Goulet, M.-H. (2024). Can mental health practice benefit from procedural justice theory? A critical analysis on the opportunities and pitfalls of procedural justice to address coercion and human rights issues in psychiatry. Aporia, 16(1), 8-20.
Léveillée, S., & Bouchard, J.-P. (2024). Des enjeux psychologiques et sociaux de femmes auteures d’un néonaticide : Solitude, déni de grossesse et fragilités de la personnalité. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique, 182(4), 400 405.
Léveillée, S., & Bouchard, J.-P. (2024). Des enjeux psychologiques et sociaux de femmes auteures d’un néonaticide : Solitude, déni de grossesse et fragilités de la personnalité. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique.
Léveillée, S., Vignola-Lévesque, C., & Bouchard, J.-P. (2024). Les hommes auteurs d’un filicide ou d’un homicide conjugal : Profils similaires ou distincts ? Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique, 182(1), 85-92.
Lévesque, M. C., Kutcher, A., Roy, L., Linton, P., Trapper, L., Torrie, J. E., & Macdonald, M. E. (2024). Eeyou/Eenou community voices on ‘doing’ Miyupimaatisiiun (wellness) planning : An occupational transactional perspective. Journal of Occupational Science, 1-18.
Linthout, L., Keygnaert, I., Benbouriche, M., Desombre, C., & Derluyn, I. (2024). ‘We hold on and have patience’ : Perspectives and experiences of migrant fathers in Belgian asylum centres. Child & Family Social Work.
Mimault, T., Léveillée, S., & Auxéméry, Y. (2024). Dissociation and trauma in male perpetrators of domestic violence : A typological analysis. European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 8(1), 100392.
Mimault, T., Léveillée, S., & Auxéméry, Y. (2024b). Les violences conjugales dans les couples appartenant aux « minorités sexuelles » : Quelles causes traumatologiques ? Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique.
Nee, C. (2024). The impact of emotion on offender decision-making : Advancing our understanding through virtual re-enactment. Psychology, Crime & Law, 1-20.
O’Connell, F., Stone, D., Vernham, Z., Taylor, P., & Warmelink, L. (2024). The effect of individual differences in episodic future thought on credibility in occupation interviews. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 38(1), e4172.
Panzeri, M., Ronconi, L., & Fontanesi, L. (2024). Validation of the Brief Index of Sexual Functioning for women and men (BISF-W and BISF-M) in an Italian sample. Frontiers in Psychology, 15.
Paquette, S., & Brouillette-Alarie, S. (2024). Online sexual offending against children : Recidivism rates and predictors. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment.
Paradis-Gagné, E., Jacques, M.-C., Pariseau-Legault, P., & Potocava, S. (2024). Les pratiques de soins auprès des personnes en situation d’itinérance : Regards croisés entre le vécu expérientiel des personnes concernées et celui des infirmières de rue. Aporia, 14(2), 40 51.
Pariseau-Legault, P., & Paradis-Gagné, E. (2024). Axel Honneth Réification et lutte pour la reconnaissance en psychiatrie. In P. Krol & D. Holmes (Éds.), Philosophies et sciences infirmières : Contributions essentielles à la discipline (p. 197-226). Presses de l’Université Laval.
Pelosse, D., & Pariseau-Legault, P. (2024). Development of human rights-based practices in psychiatry from people living with mental health problems lived experiences during involuntary hospitalization or treatment. Journal of Clinical and Nursing Research, 8(3), 247-255.
Pomey, M.-P., Iliescu Nelea, M., Vialaron, C., Normandin, L., Côté, M.-A., Desforges, M., Pomey-Carpentier, P., Adjtoutah, N., Fortin, I., Ganache, I., Régis, C., Rosberger, Z., Charpentier, D., Bélanger, L., Dorval, M., Ghadiri, D. P., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Boivin, A., Pelletier, J.-F., … de Guise, M. (2024). The black box of the relationship between breast cancer patients and accompanying patients : The accompanied patients’ point of view. BMC Cancer, 24(1), 822.
Quintana, G. R., & Pfaus, J. G. (2024). Do sex and gender have separate identities? Archives of Sexual Behavior, 53(8), 2957 2975.
Roy, L., Leclair, M., Crocker, A. G., Abdel-Baki, A., de Benedictis, L., Bérubé, F.-A., Thibeault, E., Latimer, E., & Roy, M.-A. (2024). Risk factors for homelessness and housing instability in the first episode of mental illness : Initial findings from the AMONT study. Early Intervention in Psychiatry.
Sergerie-Richard, S., Goulet, M.-H., Dumais, A., Hinse, C., & Fontaine, G. (2024). De-implementation to reduce coercive practices in mental health care. The Lancet. Psychiatry, 11(7), 498 499.
Sicotte, R., D’Andrea, G., Dumais, A., Crocker, A. G., Villeneuve, M., Brochu, E., & Abdel-Baki, A. (2024). Aggressive behaviors in first-episode psychosis : Distinction between the premorbid phase and the onset of psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 271, 283 291.
Simard, M.-È., Goulet, M.-H., Hudson, É., Coulombe, V., & Lainesse, S. (2024). Bernadette au fil du temps : Une perspective évolutive des soins psychiatriques de l’internement aux alternatives à l’hospitalisation. Santé mentale au Québec, 49(2), 315 319.
Tibbels, S., & Benbouriche, M. (2024). Sexual violence in young people : A systematic literature review of prevention programmes. Sexuality & Culture.
Tiberi, L. A., Delvaux, V., Saloppé, X., Vicenzutto, A., & Pham, T. H. (2024). Signal detection analysis of affective prosody recognition in forensic inpatients who have committed sexual offenses. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology.
Trottier, D., Vanderstukken, O., Pham, T. H., & Benbouriche, M. (2024). Validating the French RAPE scale in incarcerated sex offenders and men and women from the community. Victims & Offenders.
Vallée-Ouimet, S., Labrecque-Lebeau, L., Pariseau-Legault, P., & Bujold, A. (2024). Prévenir et agir sur les violences à caractère sexuel : Lorsque la qualité des soins de santé dédiés aux personnes concernées se heurte au déficit de crédibilité. Éducation et socialisation. Les Cahiers du CERFEE, 71, Article 71.
Vallée-Ouimet, S., Pariseau-Legault, P., & Labrecque-Lebeau, L. (2024). When sexual violence goes viral : A literature review and synthesis on how the popularization of the #MeToo movement contributed to the recent evolution of nursing practice with the student population in Quebec (Canada). Journal of Forensic Nursing.
Vos, M. K., Hagendoorn, M., Herzog-Evans, M., & Benbouriche, M. (2024). Fluctuating emotional states before and during child sexual abuse and rape : A file review analysis of males in mandated care in The Netherlands. Journal of Criminal Psychology.
Wang, J., Kharrat, F. G. Z., Gariépy, G., Gagné, C., Pelletier, J.-F., Massamba, V. K., Lévesque, P., Mohammed, M., & Lesage, A. (2024). Predicting the population risk of suicide using routinely collected health administrative data in Quebec, Canada : Model-based synthetic estimation study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 10, e52773.
Ziady, H., Beaudoin, M., Augustin, E., Samson-Daoust, E., Phraxayavong, K., & Dumais, A. (2024). L’impact de la consommation du cannabis sur les symptômes psychiatriques : Une étude transversale portant sur les troubles mentaux graves. Santé mentale au Québec, 49(2), 221 245.
Publications 2023
Athanassiou, M., Dumais, A., Zouaoui, I., & Potvin, S. (2023). The clouded debate : A systematic review of comparative longitudinal studies examining the impact of recreational cannabis legalization on key public health outcomes. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13.
Beaudoin, M., Dellazizzo, L., Giguere, S., Guay, J.-P., Giguere, C.-E., Potvin, S., & Dumais, A. (2023). Is there a dose-response relationship between cannabis use and violence? A longitudinal study in individuals with severe mental disorders. European Psychiatry, 66(S1), S135‑S136.
Beaudoin, M., Potvin, S., & Dumais, A. (2023). Comparison of VR-Assisted Therapy to Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in the treatment of verbal hallucinations in patient with treatment-resistant schizophrenia. European Psychiatry, 66(S1), S127‑S127.
Beaudoin, M., Potvin, S., Phraxayavong, K., & Dumais, A. (2023). Changes in quality of life in treatment-resistant schizophrenia patients undergoing Avatar Therapy : A content analysis. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 13(3), 522.
Benbouriche, M., Guay, J.-P., & Testé, B. (2023). « Percept-Int » : Développement et validation d’un ensemble de stimuli vidéo pour étudier la perception des intentions sexuelles. [« Perception-Int »: Development and validation of a set of stimuli video to study the perception of sexual intentions.]. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science / Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement.
Bernard-Arevalo, S.-P., Laforce, R. J., Khayat, O., Bouchard, V., Bruneau, M.-A., Brunelle, S., Caron, S., Chamelian, L., Chénard, M., Côté, J.-F., Crépeau-Gendron, G., Doré, M.-C., Fortin, M.-P., Gagnon, N., Gagnon, P. R., Giroux, C., Jean, L., Létourneau, G., Marceau, É., … Dumais, A. (2023). Clinical assessment of judgment in adults and the elderly : Development and validation of the three domains of judgment test—clinical version (3djt-cv). Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12(11), Article 11.
Bernheim, E., Brosseau, F. A., Ouellet, G., Pariseau-Legault, P., & Sallee, N. (2023). Discharge subject to conditions : Powers and delegated powers of the Quebec Review Board for mental disorder. Revue de Droit de l’Universite de Sherbrooke, 52, 121.
Boisvert, M., Lungu, O., Pilon, F., Dumais, A., & Potvin, S. (2023). Regional cerebral blood flow at rest in schizophrenia and major depressive disorder : A functional neuroimaging meta-analysis. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 335, 111720.
Brouillette-Alarie, S., Lee, S. C., Longpré, N., & Babchishin, K. M. (2023). An examination of the latent constructs in risk tools for individuals who sexually offend : Applying multidimensional item response theory to the Static-2002R. Assessment, 30(4), 1249‑1264.
Cassivi, C., Sergerie-Richard, S., Saint-Pierre, B., & Goulet, M.-H. (2023). Crisis plans in mental health : A scoping review. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 32(5), 1259‑1273.
Chandler, D., Vrij, A., Vernham, Z., Nahari, G., Fisher, R. P., Leal, S., & Mather, R. A. C. (2023). ‘Drawing to conclusion’ : The effect of sketching recall methods to enhance information-gathering and cues to deceit. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 37(5), 1094‑1112.
Da Silva, C., Amadio, N., Domingo, B., Sarg, R., & Benbouriche, M. (2023). The significance quest theory and the 3N model : A systematic review. Canadian Psychology / Psychologie canadienne.
Da Silva, C., Amadio, N., Sarg, R., Domingo, B., & Benbouriche, M. (2023). A decade of media coverage of the social reintegration of terrorism-related convicts : France as a case study. Terrorism and Political Violence, 1-19.
De Bosscher, S., Baron, C., Benbouriche, M., Remy, L., & Varet, F. (2023). Validation française du Ambivalence Toward Men Inventory, l’inventaire de sexisme ambivalent envers les hommes. Revue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement.
Dellazizzo, L., Potvin, S., Giguère, S., & Dumais, A. (2023). The potential paradoxical neurocognitive effects of cannabis use in patients with psychotic disorders : A critical meta-review of meta-analytical evidence. Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, 8(3), 464‑475.
Dellazizzo, L., Potvin, S., Giguère, S., Landry, C., Léveillé, N., & Dumais, A. (2023). Meta-review on the efficacy of psychological therapies for the treatment of substance use disorders. Psychiatry Research, 326, 115318.
Domingue, J.-L., Jacob, J.-D., Perron, A., Pariseau-Legault, P., & Foth, T. (2023). A critical ethnographic perspective on risk and dangerousness in forensic psychiatry. Nursing Inquiry, 30(2), e12521.
Edalati, H., Afzali, M. H., Spinney, S., Bourque, J., Dagher, A., & Conrod, P. J. (2023). A longitudinal mediation study of peer victimization and resting-state functional connectivity as predictors of development of adolescent psychopathology. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14.
Escarguel, M., & Benbouriche, M. (2023). Le rôle de l’alexithymie dans les comportements violents : Une révision des études disponibles à la lumière du modèle de traitement de l’information sociale. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique.
Escarguel, M., Benbouriche, M., Tibbels, S., & Przygodzki-Lionet, N. (2023). The role of the dark triad and emotion regulation in women’ sexual coercion : A social information processing perspective. Journal of Criminal Psychology.
Fontanesi, L., Falgares, G., Costanzo, G., & Marchetti, D. (2023). The quality of women’s sexual functioning : Exploring the role of emotion regulation and sexual communication. Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology.
Fontanesi, L., & Verrocchio, M. C. (2023). Forensic aspects of sexual abuse. In G. Corona, E. A. Jannini, & M. Maggi (Éds.), Emotional, Physical and Sexual Abuse : Impact on Individuals, Couples, Children and Minorities (p. 281-290). Springer International Publishing.
Fortier, A., Dumais, A., Athanassiou, M., Tikàsz, A., & Potvin, S. (2023). Dysconnectivity between the anterior insula and the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex during an emotion go/nogo paradigm is associated with aggressive behaviors in male schizophrenia patients. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 328, 111579.
Giguère, G., Bourassa, C., & Brouillette-Alarie, S. (2023). Effect of the differential item functioning (DIF) of LS/CMI items with convicted men and women. Journal of Experimental Criminology.
Giguère, G., Brouillette-Alarie, S., & Bourassa, C. (2023). A look at the difficulty and predictive validity of LS/CMI items with rasch modeling. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 50(1), 118‑138.
Giguère, S., Dumais, A., & Potvin, S. (2023). Avatar Intervention for cannabis use disorder in patients with psychotic and mood disorders. European Psychiatry, 66(S1), S108‑S108.
Goulet, M.-H., Lessard-Deschênes, C., Pariseau-Legault, P., Breton, R., & Crocker, A. G. (2023). Community treatment orders : A qualitative study of stakeholder perspectives. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 89, 101901.
Hassan, G., Brouillette-Alarie, S., & Ousman, S. (2023). Risk for violent radicalization : Do primary, secondary and tertiary prevention programmes effectively address risk and protective factors? In C. Logan, R. Borum, & Gill (Éds.), Violent extreme : A handbook of risk assessment and management (p. 179-212). UCL Press.
Honarvar, F., Arfaie, S., Edalati, H., Ghasroddashti, A., Solgi, A., Mashayekhi, M. S., Mofatteh, M., Ren, L. Y., Kwan, A. T. H., & Keramatian, K. (2023). Neuroanatomical predictors of problematic alcohol consumption in adolescents : A systematic review of longitudinal studies. Alcohol and Alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire), 58(5), 455‑471.
Hudon, A., Beaudoin, M., Phraxayavong, K., Potvin, S., & Dumais, A. (2023). Unsupervised machine learning driven analysis of verbatims of treatment-resistant schizophrenia patients having followed Avatar therapy. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 13(5), Article 5.
Hudon, A., Beaudoin, M., Phraxayavong, K., Potvin, S., & Dumais, A. (2023). Enhancing predictive power : Integrating a linear support vector classifier with logistic regression for patient outcome prognosis in virtual reality therapy for treatment-resistant schizophrenia. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 13(12), Article 12.
Hudon, A., Couture, J., Dellazizzo, L., Beaudoin, M., Phraxayavong, K., Potvin, S., & Dumais, A. (2023). Dyadic interactions of treatment-resistant schizophrenia patients having followed virtual reality therapy : A content analysis. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12(6), Article 6.
Hudon, A., Dellazizzo, L., Phraxayavong, K., Potvin, S., & Dumais, A. (2023). Association between cannabis and violence in community-dwelling patients with severe mental disorders : A cross-sectional study using machine learning. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 211(2), 88‑94.
Keulen-de Vos, M., & Benbouriche, M. (2023). Early treatment change in perpetrators of sexual versus non-sexual violence. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 67(10‑11), 1061‑1078.
Keulen-de Vos, M., Herzog-Evans, M., & Benbouriche, M. (2023). The relation between psychopathy factors and emotional states prior and during criminal behaviour in a Dutch sample. Journal of Criminal Psychology.
Lafortune, D., Girard, M., Dussault, É., Philibert, M., Hébert, M., Boislard, M.-A., Goyette, M., & Godbout, N. (2023). Who seeks sex therapy? Sexual dysfunction prevalence and correlates, and help-seeking among clinical and community samples. PLOS ONE, 18(3), e0282618.
Le Brun, C., Benbouriche, M., & Tibbels, S. (2023). A study of empathy towards male victims of sexual violence : The effects of gender and sexism. Sexuality & Culture.
Lévesque, M. C., Kutcher, A., Roy, L., Linton, P., Trapper, L., Torrie, J. E., & MacDonald, M. E. (2023). Occupational transaction in support of miyupimaatisiiun (wellness) : Eeyou/Eenou community voices. Journal of Occupational Science, 30(3), 342-362.
Levesque, C., Sanger, N., Edalati, H., Sohi, I., Shield, K. D., Sherk, A., Stockwell, T., Butt, P. R., & Paradis, C. (2023). A systematic review of relative risks for the relationship between chronic alcohol use and the occurrence of disease. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 47(7), 1238‑1255.
Marchetti, D., Fontanesi, L., Camisasca, E., Colasanti, M., Covelli, V., Di Giandomenico, S., Miragoli, S., & Verrocchio, M. C. (2023). The Role of Pre-Pandemic Mental Health Status and Personality Traits on Psychological Distress during the COVID-19 Lockdown among Italian Young Adults. Behavioral Sciences, 13(2), Art. 2.
Meenaghan, A., Nee, C., Vernham, Z., & Otto, M. (2023). A comparison of younger and older burglars undertaking virtual burglaries : The development of skill and automaticity. Journal of Experimental Criminology.
Miner, M. H., Brouillette-Alarie, S., Davies, S. T., Newstrom, N., Robinson, B. “Bean” E., Thornton, D., & Hanson, R. K. (2023). Reliability and factor structure of the sex offender treatment intervention and progress scale. Sexual Abuse, 35(1), 83‑102.
O’Connell, F., Carter, C., Taylor, P., Vernham, Z., & Warmelink, L. (2023). The effect of individual differences in episodic future thought on perceived credibility. Psychology, Crime & Law, 1‑26.
O’Connell, F., Vernham, Z., Taylor, P., & Warmelink, L. (2023). The effect of episodic future thinking ability on subjective cue use when judging credibility. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 28(2), 237‑253.
Paradis-Gagné, E., Jacques, M.-C., Pariseau-Legault, P., Ben Ahmed, H. E., & Stroe, I. R. (2023). The perspectives of homeless people using the services of a mobile health clinic in relation to their health needs : A qualitative study on community-based outreach nursing. Journal of Research in Nursing: JRN, 28(2), 154‑167.
Paradis-Gagné, E., Kaszap, M., Ben Ahmed, H. E., Pariseau-Legault, P., Jacques, M.-C., & Potcoava, S. (2023). Perceptions of mobile and acute healthcare services among people experiencing homelessness. Public Health Nursing, 40(1), 36‑43.
Pomey, M.-P., Nelea, M. I., Normandin, L., Vialaron, C., Bouchard, K., Côté, M.-A., Duarte, M. A. R., Ghadiri, D. P., Fortin, I., Charpentier, D., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Fernandez, N., Boivin, A., Dorval, M., Desforges, M., Régis, C., Ganache, I., Bélanger, L., Rosberger, Z., … Pelletier, J.-F., … de Guise, M. (2023). An exploratory cross-sectional study of the effects of ongoing relationships with accompanying patients on cancer care experience, self-efficacy, and psychological distress. BMC Cancer, 23(1), 369.
Pomey, M.-P., Paquette, J., Iliescu-Nelea, M., Vialaron, C., Mourad, R., Bouchard, K., Normandin, L., Côté, M.-A., Desforges, M., Pomey-Carpentier, P., Fortin, I., Ganache, I., Régis, C., Rosberger, Z., Charpentier, D., Bélanger, L., Dorval, M., Ghadiri, D. P., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., … Pelletier, J.-F., … de Guise, M. (2023). Accompanying patients in clinical oncology teams : Reported activities and perceived effects. Health Expectations: An International Journal of Public Participation in Health Care and Health Policy.
Raymond, M., Proulx, J., Ruest, G., & Brouillette-Alarie, S. (2023). Sexual recidivism during treatment : Impact on therapists. Sexual Abuse, 10790632231153636.
Roy, L., Abdel-Baki, A., Bérubé, F.-A., Crocker, A. G., de Benedictis, L., Dostie, M., Latimer, E., & Roy, M.-A. (2023). Housing trajectories and the risk of homelessness among new mental health service users : Protocol for the AMONT study. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 17(5), 495‑501.
Roy, L., Lemieux, A. J., Gagnon, J.-P., & Crocker, A. G. (2023). Lessons learned from the implementation of an intersectoral cross-training approach to improve justice outcomes for homeless adults with mental illness. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 32, 100641.
Trottier, D., Laflamme, K., Guay, J.-P., & Benbouriche, M. (2023). French validation of the Tactics First-Sexual Experiences Survey–Perpetrator in heterosexual men. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science / Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement.
Wang, J., Gholi Zadeh Kharrat, F., Pelletier, J.-F., Rochette, L., Pelletier, E., Lévesque, P., Massamba, V., Brousseau-Paradis, C., Mohammed, M., Gariépy, G., Gagné, C., & Lesage, A. (2023). A case-control study on predicting population risk of suicide using health administrative data : A research protocol. BMJ Open, 13(2), e066423.
Zouaoui, I., Dumais, A., Lavoie, M. E., & Potvin, S. (2023). Auditory steady-state responses in schizophrenia : An updated meta-analysis. Brain Sciences, 13(12), Article 12.
Zouaoui, I., Zellag, M., Hernout, J., Dumais, A., Potvin, S., & Lavoie, M. E. (2023). Alpha and theta oscillations during the cognitive reappraisal of aversive pictures : A spatio-temporal qEEG investigation. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 192, 13-25.
Publications 2022
Askevis-Leherpeux, F., Hazo, J.-B., Agoub, M., Baleige, A., Barikova, V., Benmessaoud, D., Brunet, F., Carta, M.-G., Castelpietra, G., Crepaz-Keay, D., Daumerie, N., Demassiet, V., Fontaine, A., Grigutyte, N., Guernut, M., Kishore, J., Kiss, M., Koenig, M., Laporta, M., … Pelletier, J.-F., … Roelandt, J.-L. (2022). Accessibility of psychiatric vocabulary : An international study about schizophrenia essential features. Schizophrenia Research.
Athanassiou, M., Dumais, A., Tikasz, A., Lipp, O., Dubreucq, J.-L., & Potvin, S. (2022). Increased cingulo-orbital connectivity is associated with violent behaviours in schizophrenia. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 147, 183‑189.
Beaudoin, M., Hudon, A., Giguère, C.-E., Potvin, S., & Dumais, A. (2022). Prediction of quality of life in schizophrenia using machine learning models on data from Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness (CATIE) schizophrenia trial. Schizophrenia, 8(1), 1‑9.
Bégin, V., Fontaine, N. M. G., Vitaro, F., Boivin, M., Tremblay, R. E., & Côté, S. M. (2022). Childhood psychopathic traits and mental health outcomes in adolescence : Compensatory and protective effects of positive relationships with parents and teachers. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.
Beigné, M., Lamer, A., Eck, M., Horn, M., Benbouriche, M., Thomas, P., Amad, A., & Fovet, T. (2022). Parcours de soins et expertises psychiatriques pré-sentencielles : Une étude descriptive au centre pénitentiaire de Château-Thierry. L’Encéphale.
Bernard-Arevalo, S.-P., Dellazizzo, L., Marceau, É., & Dumais, A. (2022). The defense of mental disorder and crimes against the person committed under the influence of cannabis : A Canadian perspective. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 40(2), 239‑260.
Bernheim, E., Ouellet, G., Pariseau-Legault, P., & Sallée, N. (2022). Surveiller, contrôler et traiter : Le consentement aux soins à la Commission québécoise d’examen. Santé mentale au Québec, 47(1), 111.
Bertsch, I., Guay, J.-P., Réveillère, C., Telle, E., Douceron, H., Dubuisson, M., Courtois, R., & Pham, T. (2022). An investigation of reliability and validity of the LS/CMI with French offenders. L’Encephale.
Cantor, P., Polakowska, M., Proietti, A., Tran, V., Lebire, J., & Roy, L. (2022). Leisure Possibilities of Adults Experiencing Poverty : A Community-Based Participatory Study. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 00084174211073266.
Ciocca, G., Fontanesi, L., Robilotta, A., Limoncin, E., Nimbi, F. M., Simonelli, C., Di Lorenzo, G., & Jannini, E. A. (2022). Hypersexual Behavior and Depression Symptoms among Dating App Users. Sexes, 3(2), 298‑307.
Ciocca, G., Martinelli, J., Limoncin, E., Sansone, A., Jannini, E. A., & Fontanesi, L. (2022). Psychopathology of incel (involuntary celibate) : The predictive role of depression, paranoia, and fearful attachment style. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 19(11, Supplement 4), S112‑S113.
Da Silva, C., Amadio, N., Sarg, R., Domingo, B., Tibbels, S., & Benbouriche, M. (2022). Preventing radicalization leading to violence : Insights from the significance quest theory and its 3N model. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 1‑15.
Dellazizzo, L., Giguère, S., Léveillé, N., Potvin, S., & Dumais, A. (2022). A systematic review of relational-based therapies for the treatment of auditory hallucinations in patients with psychotic disorders. Psychological Medicine, 1‑8.
Dellazizzo, L., Potvin, S., Giguère, S., & Dumais, A. (2022). Evidence on the acute and residual neurocognitive effects of cannabis use in adolescents and adults : A systematic meta-review of meta-analyses. Addiction.
Dellazizzo, L., Potvin, S., Giguère, S., & Dumais, A. (2022). The Potential Paradoxical Neurocognitive Effects of Cannabis Use in Patients with Psychotic Disorders : A Critical Meta-Review of Meta-Analytical Evidence. Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research.
Domingue, J.-L., Jacob, J.-D., Perron, A., Pariseau-Legault, P., & Foth, T. (2022). A critical ethnographic perspective on risk and dangerousness in forensic psychiatry. Nursing Inquiry, e12521.
Donati, M. A., Ciocca, G., Fontanesi, L., Jannini, E. A., Beccari, C., & Primi, C. (2022). State boredom and behavioral addictions : Evidence of psychometric adequacy for the Short Form of the Multidimensional State Boredom Scale with young adults. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, Supplement 1, 157.
Dumais, A., & Felthous, A. R. (2022). Editorial : Cannabis and the law. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 40(2), 219‑224.
Dumont, M., Briand, C., Aubin, G., Dumais, A., & Potvin, S. (2022). Developing immersive videos to train social cognition in individuals with schizophrenia in forensic psychiatry. The Journal of Forensic Practice, 24(3), 201‑215.
Escarguel, M., Testé, B., & Benbouriche, M. (2022). Alexithymie, distorsions cognitives et violence sexuelle sur mineurs : Une étude exploratoire. International Journal of Risk and Recovery, 5, 23‑31.
Fontaine, N. M., Rozéfort, A., & Bégin, V. (2022). Associations between Callous-unemotional Traits and Psychopathology in a Sample of Adolescent Females. CrimRxiv.
Fontanesi, L., Cosi, G., Di Crosta, A., Verrocchio, M. C., Jannini, E. A., & Ciocca, G. (2022). Involuntary Celibate (Incel) : Validation of the Incel Trait Scale (ITS) in the Italian male population. Journal of Psychopathology, 28, 113‑119.
Fovet, T., Wathelet, M., Benbouriche, M., Benradia, I., Roelandt, J.-L., Thomas, P., D’Hondt, F., & Rolland, B. (2022). Substance Use, Substance Use Disorders, and Co-Occurring Psychiatric Disorders in Recently Incarcerated Men : A Comparison with the General Population. European Addiction Research, 28.
Gagnon, M., Perron, A., Dufour, C., Marcogliese, E., Pariseau-Legault, P., Wright, D. K., Martin, P., & Carnevale, F. A. (2022). Blowing the whistle during the first wave of COVID-19 : A case study of Quebec nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing.
Goulet, M.-H., Desmarais, M., Pariseau-Legault, P., Larue, C., Jean-Baptiste, F., Turcotte, J.-S., & Crocker, A. G. (2022). Violence Prevention Climate Scale : Translation, Adaptation, and Psychometric Assessment of the French Canadian Version. Science of Nursing and Health Practices, 4(2), 67‑85.
Goulet, M.-H., Latulippe, M., Pariseau-Legault, P., Hallett, N., & Crocker, A. G. (2022). Violence prevention climate in civil and forensic mental health settings : Common goal, different views? International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 1‑10.
Goulet, M.-H., & Lessard-Deschênes, C. (2022). Le Modèle de prévention de l’utilisation des mesures de contrôle en santé mentale : Une revue intégrative. Santé mentale au Québec, 47(1), 151‑180.
Guberman, G. I., & Hodgins, S. (2022). Understanding Associations Between Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury. JAMA Pediatrics, 176(1), 101.
Heylen, B., Caulet, M., Lemieux, A., Seto, M. C., Nicholls, T., & Crocker, A. G. (2022). What happens after discharge from a forensic psychiatric hospital? : An analysis of causally complex patterns of recovery among people found non-criminally responsible on account of mental disorder. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 1‑11.
Hodgins, S. (2022a). Could Expanding and Investing in First-Episode Psychosis Services Prevent Aggressive Behaviour and Violent Crime? Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13, 821760.
Hodgins, S. (2022b). Female Forensic Patients May Be an Atypical Sub-type of Females Presenting Aggressive and Antisocial Behavior. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13, 809901.
Hodgins, S. (2022c). New insights into the causes of and potential for prevention of psychopathy : A syndrome distinct from antisocial personality disorder. In D. W. Black & N. J. Kolla (Eds.), Textbook of Antisocial Personality Disorder. American Psychiatric Association Press.
Hodgins, S., & Guberman, G. I. (2022). Disentangling antecedents from consequences of traumatic brain injury : The need for prospective longitudinal studies. In R. Rajendram, V. R. Preedy, & C. R. Martin (Eds.), Cellular, Molecular, Physiological, and Behavioral Aspects of Traumatic Brain Injury (p. 553‑561). Academic Press.
Hudon, A., Beaudoin, M., Phraxayavong, K., Dellazizzo, L., Potvin, S., & Dumais, A. (2022). Implementation of a machine learning algorithm for automated thematic annotations in avatar : A linear support vector classifier approach. Health Informatics Journal, 28(4), 14604582221142442.
Hudon, A., Léveillé, N., Sanchez-Schicharew, K., Dellazizzo, L., Phraxayavong, K., & Dumais, A. (2022). The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on treatment-resistant schizophrenia patients having followed virtual reality therapy or cognitive behavioural therapy : A content analysis. Annals of Medicine, 54(1), 2477‑2485.
Jacobsen, K., Roy, L., Richmond, S., Boutemeur, I., Macar, E. de, Hoffman-Kuhnt, B., Rouleau, D., & Seto, V. (2022). Project Lotus : A really cool community-based initiative assisting women post-homelessness. The International Journal of Whole Person Care, 9(1), 12‑13.
Keulen-de Vos, M., Herzog-Evans, M., & Benbouriche, M. (2022). Emotional States Related to Sexual Offending Versus Violent Offending Using a Schema Therapy Perspective. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 0306624X221110799.
Khoury, E., Pariseau-Legault, P., Daoust-Boisvert, A., Bujold, A., & Benisty, L. (2022). Créer une baladodiffusion : Ouvrir des voies et partager des voix. Les Politiques Sociales, 3‑4(3‑4), 61‑74.
Leclair, M. C., Charette, Y., Seto, M., Nicholls, T. L., Roy, L., Dufour, M., & Crocker, A. G. (2022). Barriers and facilitators of access and utilization of mental health services among forensic service users along the care pathway. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), 1495.
Leclair, M., Latimer, É., Lemieux, A., Roy, L., Nicholls, T., & Crocker, A. (2022). Au-delà du logement : L’effet hétérogène de Logement d’abord sur l’implication criminelle de personnes vivant avec un trouble mental. Santé mentale au Québec, 47(1), 37‑61.
Lega, I., Pelletier, J.-F., & Caroppo, E. (2022). Editorial : Long term psychiatric care and COVID-19. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13.
Lessard-Deschênes, C., & Goulet, M.-H. (2022). The therapeutic relationship in the context of involuntary treatment orders : The perspective of nurses and patients. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 29(2), 287‑296.
Lévesque, M. C., Kutcher, A., Roy, L., Linton, P., Trapper, L., Torrie, J. E., & MacDonald, M. E. (2022). Occupational transaction in support of miyupimaatisiiun (wellness) : Eeyou/Eenou community voices. Journal of Occupational Science, 1‑21.
Luigi, M., Dellazizzo, L., Giguère, C.-É., Goulet, M.-H., Potvin, S., & Dumais, A. (2022). Solitary Confinement of Inmates Associated With Relapse Into Any Recidivism Including Violent Crime : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 23(2), 444‑456.
Manoni-Millar, S., Distasio, J., Latimer, E., Somers, J., Stergiopoulos, V., Kerman, N., Roy, L., & Aubry, T. (2022). Examining risk factors and protective resources as predictors of recovery among youth with mental illness and lived experience of homelessness. Youth & Society, 0044118X221140929.
Marshall, C. A., Gewurtz, R., Ross, C., Becker, A., Cooke, A., Roy, L., Barbic, S., Lysaght, R., & Kirsh, B. (2022). Beyond Securing a tenancy : Using the capabilities approach to identify the daily living needs of individuals during and following homelessness. Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness, 1‑15.
Paradis-Gagné, E., & Pariseau-Legault, P. (2022). Critical Research and Qualitative Methodologies : Theoretical Foundations and Contribution to Nursing Research. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice, 36(2), 119‑138.
Pariseau-Legault, P., Ouellet, G., Paradis-Gagné, É., Bernheim, E., & Sallée, N. (2022). L’obligation de signalement aux services de protection de l’enfance : Analyse situationnelle de sa mise en œuvre dans les pratiques de soins primaires. Science infirmière et pratiques en santé, 5(1), 34‑47.
Pelosse, D., & Pariseau-Legault, P. (2022). Analyse phénoménologique des expériences de soutien à l’exercice des droits en soins psychiatriques. Science of Nursing and Health Practices / Science infirmière et pratiques en santé, 5(Supplément), 27-27.
Rassy, J., Lesage, A., Labelle, R., Saadi, F., Goulet, M.-H., Genest, C., Maltais, N., & Larue, C. (2022). Assessment and care of individuals at risk of suicide in Emergency Department : The SecUrgence protocol. International Emergency Nursing, 64, 101199.
Roy, L., Abdel-Baki, A., Bérubé, F.-A., Crocker, A., de Benedictis, L., Dostie, M., Latimer, E., & Roy, M.-A. (2022). Housing trajectories and the risk of homelessness among new mental health service users : Protocol for the AMONT study. Early Intervention in Psychiatry.
Roy, L., Keays, N., Lemieux, A., Nicole, M., & Crocker, A. (2022). Traumatismes complexes et services psycholégaux : Vers des pratiques sensibles au trauma. Santé mentale au Québec, 47(1), 19‑36.
Sallée, N., Bernheim, E., Ouellet, G., & Pariseau-Legault, P. (2022). In the court of risks. Psychiatric Control, self-control and legal tensions at the review board for mental disorder (Quebec, Canada). Droit et société, 111(2), 357‑380.
Tibbels, S., Benbouriche, M., & Przygodzki-Lionet, N. (2022). Empathy deficits in individuals convicted of a sexual offense : A systematic literature review. Victims & Offenders, 1‑30.
van Sintemaartensdijk, I., van Gelder, J.-L., van Prooijen, J.-W., Nee, C., Otte, M., & van Lange, P. (2022). Assessing the deterrent effect of symbolic guardianship through neighbourhood watch signs and police signs : A virtual reality study. Psychology, Crime & Law, 1‑21.
van Sintemaartensdijk, I., van Prooijen, J.-W., Nee, C., Otte, M., & van Lange, P. (2022). Personality and burglary : A virtual reality study. Personality and Individual Differences, 196, 111712.
Vrij, A., Leal, S., Mann, S., Vernham, Z., Dalton, G., Serok-Jeppa, O., Rozmann, N., Nahari, G., & Fisher, R. P. (2021). ‘Please tell me all you remember’ : A comparison between British and Arab interviewees’ free narrative performance and its implications for lie detection. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 28(4), 546‑559.
Publications antérieures
Abbey, A., Helmers, B. R., Jilani, Z., McDaniel, M. C., & Benbouriche, M. (2021). Assessment of men’s sexual aggression against women : An experimental comparison of three versions of the sexual experiences survey. Psychology of Violence, No Pagination Specified-No Pagination Specified.
Athanassiou, M., Dumais, A., Gnanhoue, G., Abdel-Baki, A., Jutras-Aswad, D., & Potvin, S. (2021). A systematic review of longitudinal studies investigating the impact of cannabis use in patients with psychotic disorders. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 1‑13.
Athanassiou, M., Dumais, A., Iammatteo, V., De Benedictis, L., Dubreucq, J.-L., & Potvin, S. (2021). The processing of angry faces in schizophrenia patients with a history of suicide : An fMRI study examining brain activity and connectivity. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 107, 110253.
Bamvita, J.-M., Larm, P., Vitaro, F., Tremblay, R., Cote, G., & Hodgins, S. (2021). How do childhood conduct problems, callousness and anxiety relate to later offending and adult mental disorder? Criminal Behaviour & Mental Health, 31(1), 60‑76.
Beaudoin, M., Potvin, S., Machalani, A., Dellazizzo, L., Bourguignon, L., Phraxayavong, K., & Dumais, A. (2021). The therapeutic processes of Avatar Therapy : A content analysis of the dialogue between treatment resistant patients with schizophrenia and their avatar. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy.
Bégin, V., Fontaine, N. M. G., Vitaro, F., Boivin, M., Tremblay, R. E., & Côté, S. M. (2021). Perinatal and early-life factors associated with stable and unstable trajectories of psychopathic traits across childhood. Psychological Medicine, 1‑9.
Bonneville, V., & Trottier, D. (2021). Gender Differences in Sexual Coercion Perpetration : Investigating the Role of Alcohol-use and Cognitive Risk Factors. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 08862605211006360.
Bujold, A., Pariseau-Legault, P., & Montigny, F. de. (2021). Understanding the lived experiences of undergraduate nursing students during a mental health practicum. An interpretive phenomenological analysis. Recherche En Soins Infirmiers, No 145(2), 22‑37.
Dellazizzo, L., Potvin, S., Phraxayavong, K., & Dumais, A. (2021). One-year randomized trial comparing virtual reality-assisted therapy to cognitive-behavioral therapy for patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia. NPJ Schizophrenia, 7(1), 9.
Dugre, J. r, Dumais, A., Tikasz, A., & Potvin, S. (2021). Functional connectivity abnormalities of the long-axis hippocampal subregions in schizophrenia during episodic memory. Npj Schizophrenia, 1, no pagination.
Dugre, J. R., Potvin, S., Dellazizzo, L., & Dumais, A. (2021). Aggression and delinquent behavior in a large representative sample of high school students : Cannabis use and victimization as key discriminating factors. Psychiatry Research.
Geoffrion, S., Lamothe, J., Fraser, S., Lafortune, D., & Dumais, A. (2021). Worker and perceived team climate factors influence the use of restraint and seclusion in youth residential treatment centers : Results from a mixed-method longitudinal study. Child Abuse & Neglect, 111, 104825.
Hanway, P., Akehurst, L., Vernham, Z., & Hope, L. (2021). The effects of cognitive load during an investigative interviewing task on mock interviewers’ recall of information. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 26(1), 25‑41.
Paradis-Gagne, E., & Pariseau-Legault, P. (2021). Critical ethnography of outreach nurses-perceptions of the clinical issues associated with social disaffiliation and stigma. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(3), 1357‑1367.
Paradis-Gagne, E., Pariseau-Legault, P., Goulet, M.-H., Jacob, J. d, & Lessard-Deschenes, C. (2021). Coercion in psychiatric and mental health nursing : A conceptual analysis. Journal of Mental Health Nursing, no pagination.
Pelletier, J.-F., Houle, J., Goulet, M.-H., Giguère, C.-É., Morin, C.-A., Juster, R.-P., Hénault, I., & Denis, F. (2021). The online citizens project : Effects oftransitional peer support groups facilitated by peer support workers for persons living with severe mental illness in times of the covid-19 pandemic. Cadernos Brasileiros de Saúde Mental, 13(36), 97‑116.
Roy, C., Castonguay, A., Fortin, M., Drolet, C., Franche-Choquette, G., Dumais, A., Lafortune, D., Bernard, P., & Geoffrion, S. (2021). The Use of Restraint and Seclusion in Residential Treatment Care for Youth : A Systematic Review of Related Factors and Interventions. Trauma Violence & Abuse, 22(2), 318‑338.
Trottier, D., Nolet, K., Benbouriche, M., Bonneville, V., Racine-Latulippe, F., & Bergeron, S. (2021). Sexual Violence Perpetration and Victimization : Providing Prevalence Rates for Understudied Populations. Violence and Gender.
Vallée-Ouimet, S., Benoit, M., & Pariseau-Legault, P. (2021). Normes sociales de l’allaitement : Enjeux d’autonomisation pour les mères. Sexologies.
Alunni-Menichini, K., Bertrand, K., Roy, L., & Brousselle, A. (2020). Current emergency response in montreal : How does it fit in the services offered to homeless people who use substances? International Journal of Drug Policy, 102758.
Bamvita, J.-M., Larm, P., Vitaro, F., Tremblay, R., Cote, G., & Hodgins, S. (2020). How do childhood conduct problems, callousness and anxiety relate to later offending and adult mental disorder? Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health.
Beaudoin, M., Potvin, S., Giguère, C.-E., Discepola, S.-L., & Dumais, A. (2020). Persistent cannabis use as an independent risk factor for violent behaviors in patients with schizophrenia. NPJ Schizophrenia, 6(1), 14.
Bujold, A., Pariseau-Legault, P., & Montigny, F. de. (2020). Exploration de l’impopularité des milieux de santé mentale/psychiatrie auprès de la relève infirmière : Une revue systématique des écrits. Recherche en soins infirmiers, N° 141(2), 17‑37.
Carrier Emond, F., Nolet, K., Rochat, L., Rouleau, J.-L., & Gagnon, J. (2020). Inhibitory Control in Sexually Coercive Men : Behavioral Insights Using a Stop-Signal Task With Neutral, Emotional, and Erotic Stimuli. Journal of Research and Treatment, 3, 301‑319.
Checknita, D., Bendre, M., Ekström, T. J., Comasco, E., Tiihonen, J., Hodgins, S., & Nilsson, K. W. (2020). Monoamine Oxidase A Genotype and Methylation Moderate the Association of Maltreatment and Aggressive Behaviour. Behavioural Brain Research, 112476.
Checknita, D., Bendre, M., Ekström, T. J., Comasco, E., Tiihonen, J., Hodgins, S., & Nilsson, K. W. (2020). Corrigendum to « Monoamine oxidase A genotype and methylation moderate the association of maltreatment and aggressive behaviour » [Behav. Brain Res. 382 (2020) 112476]. Behavioural Brain Research, 393, 112721.
Dalton, G., Milne, R., Hope, L., Vernham, Z., & Nunan, J. (2020). ‘He was just your typical average guy’ Examining how person descriptions are elicited by frontline police officers. Applied Cognitive Psychology.
Dellazizzo, L., Luigi, M., Giguere, C., Goulet, M.-H., & Dumais, A. (2020). Is mental illness associated with placement into solitary confinement in correctional settings? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Mental Health Nursing.
Dellazizzo, L., Potvin, S., Athanassiou, M., & Dumais, A. (2020). Violence and Cannabis Use : A Focused Review of a Forgotten Aspect in the Era of Liberalizing Cannabis. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 567887.
Dellazizzo, L., Potvin, S., Dou, B. Y., Beaudoin, M., Luigi, M., Giguère, C.-É., & Dumais, A. (2020). Association Between the Use of Cannabis and Physical Violence in Youths : A Meta-Analytical Investigation. American Journal of Psychiatry, 177(7), 619‑626.
Dellazizzo, L., Potvin, S., Luigi, M., & Dumais, A. (2020). Evidence on Virtual Reality-Based Therapies for Psychiatric Disorders : Meta-Review of Meta-Analyses. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(8), e20889.
Dellazizzo, L., Potvin, S., Phraxayavong, K., & Dumais, A. (2020). Exploring the benefits of virtual reality-assisted therapy following cognitive-behavioral therapy for auditory hallucinations in patients with treatment-resistant Schizophrenia : A proof of concept. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10, 1‑15.
Denault, V., Plusquellec, P., Jupe, L. M., St-Yves, M., Dunbar, N. E., Hartwig, M., Sporer, S. L., Rioux-Turcotte, J., Jarry, J., Walsh, D., Otgaar, H., Viziteu, A., Talwar, V., Keatley, D. A., Blandon-Gitlin, I., Townson, C., Deslauriers-Varin, N., Lilienfeld, S. O., Patterson, M. L., … Vernham, Z., van Koppen, P. J. (2020). The analysis of nonverbal communication : The dangers of pseudoscience in security and justice contexts. Anuario de Psicologia Juridica, 30(1), 1‑12.
Domingue, J.-L., Jacob, J. D., Perron, A., Pariseau-Legault, P., & Foth, T. (2020b). (Re)construction identitaire et pratique infirmière en psychiatrie légale : Réflexion critique sur les commissions d’examen. Recherche en soins infirmiers, 143(4), 118‑126.
Dugré, J. R., Dumais, A., Dellazizzo, L., & Potvin, S. (2020). Developmental joint trajectories of anxiety-depressive trait and trait-aggression : Implications for co-occurrence of internalizing and externalizing problems. Psychological Medicine, 50(8), 1338‑1347.
Dugré, J. R., Dumais, A., & Potvin, S. (2020). Limbic Hyperactivity in Response to Emotionally Neutral Stimuli in Schizophrenia : Response to Rasetti et al. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 177(7), 640‑641.
Dugré, J. R., & Potvin, S. (2020). Developmental multi-trajectory of irritability, anxiety, and hyperactivity as psychological markers of heterogeneity in childhood aggression. Psychological Medicine, 1‑10.
Dugré, J. R., Radua, J., Carignan-Allard, M., Dumais, A., Rubia, K., & Potvin, S. (2020). Neurofunctional Abnormalities in Antisocial Spectrum : A Meta-analysis of fMRI studies on Five distinct Neurocognitive Research Domains. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews.
Dumont, M., Briand, C., Leblanc, Y., Aubin, G., Potvin, S., & Dumais, A. (2020). The Integrated Psychological Treatment for Individuals With Schizophrenia in Correctional and Forensic Psychiatric Settings : An Implementation Study. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 0306624X19899607.
Edalati, H., Nicholls, T. L., Schutz, C. G., Somers, J. M., Distasio, J., Aubry, T., & Crocker, A. G. (2020). Examining the Relationships between Cumulative Childhood Adversity and the Risk of Criminal Justice Involvement and Victimization among Homeless Adults with Mental Illnesses after Receiving Housing First Intervention. Journal of Psychiatry – Revue Canadienne de Psychiatrie, 65(6), 409‑417.
Geoffrion, S., Lamothe, J., Fraser, S., Lafortune, D., & Dumais, A. (2020). Worker and perceived team climate factors influence the use of restraint and seclusion in youth residential treatment centers : Results from a mixed-method longitudinal study. Child Abuse and Neglect.
Goulet, M.-H., Pariseau-Legault, P., Côté, C., Klein, A., & Crocker, A. G. (2020). Multiple Stakeholders’ Perspectives of Involuntary Treatment Orders : A Meta-synthesis of the Qualitative Evidence toward an Exploratory Model. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 19(1), 18‑32.
Grenier, M.-L., Zafran, H., & Roy, L. (2020). Current Landscape of Teaching Diversity in Occupational Therapy Education : A Scoping Review. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 74(6), 7406205100p1-7406205100p15.
Guay, J.-P., Parent, G., & Benbouriche, M. (2020). Disentangling Promotive and Buffering Protection : Exploring the Interface Between Risk and Protective Factors in Recidivism of Adult Convicted Males. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 47,1468.
Guberman, G. I., Robitaille, M.-P., Larm, P., Ptito, A., Vitaro, F., Tremblay, R. E., & Hodgins, S. (2020). A Prospective Study of Childhood Predictors of Traumatic Brain Injuries Sustained in Adolescence and Adulthood. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 65(1), 36‑45.
Hanway, P., Akehurst, L., Vernham, Z., & Hope, L. (2020). The effects of cognitive load during an investigative interviewing task on mock interviewers’ recall of information. Legal and Criminological Psychology.
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